Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Thursday 14 August 2015: Journey To The Foot Of Our Stairs - on the Tories' offshoring health policy to Simon Stevens

Publish Date/Time: 
08/13/2015 - 20:55

If it hasn't been done already, the socio-cultural impact of classic phrases from Lancashire is undoubtedly a PhD thesis waiting to happen.

Lancastrians are a withering lot, which presumably you need to be if you're going to fight people from Yorkshire about flowers.

Editorial Wednesday 5 August 2015: Catching up - 'when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro'

Publish Date/Time: 
08/05/2015 - 11:58

It's been an interesting few weeks in health policy. A lot of things that have happened have been even less reasonable than usual.

In fact, it has gotten downright weird. In the words of the late Dr Hunter S Thompson, "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro".

NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens interview - August 2015

Publish Date/Time: 
08/04/2015 - 15:41

Interview by Andy Cowper

Health Policy Insight: How are the new Vanguards doing?

Simon Stevens: The selection for the first crop of PACS/MCP Vanguards was only four months ago, and the ones chosen were not by any means all the usual suspects; nor were they in parts of the country universally deemed to be 'doing well'.

Editorial Thursday 30 July 2015: Sir David Nicholson 'Is the Government still ignoring the NHS's financial problem?'

Publish Date/Time: 
07/30/2015 - 20:09

Transcript of Sir David Nicholson seminar, Civitas 20 July 2015 'Is the Government still ignoring the NHS's finance problem?'

The term 'The Nicholson Challenge' was health select committee chair Stephen Dorrell putting a target on my back. Recently, George Osborne called the Five-Year Forward View (5YFV) 'The Stevens Plan'. Simon will have noticed ...

Editorial Monday 29 June 2015: Under what circumstances would Jeremy Hunt unleash his Johnson?

Publish Date/Time: 
06/29/2015 - 14:08

This Local Government Chronicle story by David Paice, cross-posted on HSJ, shows why the health policy universe needs to understand the circumstances in which health secretary Jeremy Hunt would unleash his Johnson.

Editorial Thursday 11 June 2015: Monitor and TDA to sort-of-merge as David Bennett exits

Publish Date/Time: 
06/11/2015 - 08:51

And one of the worst-kept secrets in the NHS is revealed: Monitor and the TDA are to sort-of-merge. Both organisations will continue to exist legally, but there will be a new chief executive appointed by both boards.

And it will not be Dr David Bennett.

Dr Bennett feels that he has been fighting a rearguard action with Jeremy Hunt on FT performance for too long.

Editorial Friday 5 June 2015: 'We hide vegetables' - that was the Confed Conference 2015, that was

Publish Date/Time: 
06/05/2015 - 15:49

Wednesday's programme opened with an attentive, personal and measured speech from NHS Confederation chief executive Rob Webster on the issues facing the service. Anita Anand again chaired all the plenaries with skill and wit.

We hide vegetables - and I'm in charge
This was followed by Simon Stevens' speech, delivered in a more narrative and conversational style than last year.

Editorial 4th June 2015: Rough transcript of Jeremy Hunt's speech to NHS Confederation conference

Publish Date/Time: 
06/04/2015 - 11:41

Rough transcript

Unlike Ed Miliband forgetting to mention the deficit, I'm going to spend a lot of time talking about financial pressure. Thank you for having me back. It was a closely fought election, thrilled to be back. HSJ's Shaun Lintern tweeted that he was "strangely relieved", which is the closest thing to a compliment I'll get from HSJ.

I want to pay tributes, to Andy Burnham on his passion for health and social care integration and to Norman Lamb on mental health: rest assured we will build on that legacy and put mental health centre stage (Applause).

Editorial Wednesday 3 June 2015: Rough transcript of Simon Stevens' speech to the NHS Confederation conference

Publish Date/Time: 
06/03/2015 - 15:51

Simon Stevens transcript

There was no text for this speech, so this is a very rough transcript, far from carved on tablets of stone

Editorial Friday 29 May 2015: Is Monitor's Dr David Bennett the new Jim Morrison, Shia LaBoeuf or Michael Heseltine?

Publish Date/Time: 
05/29/2015 - 07:58

Health Policy Insight spoils you, I know. Firstly, you got exclusive understanding of how Simon Stevens' NHS strategy is derived from Brian Wilson's Pet Sounds.

Now we can exclusively reveal that Dr David Bennett is the reincarnation of leather-trousered rock god and Doors frontman Jim Morrison.

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