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Editorial Friday 9 October 2015: NHS in 'on course for widely predicted £2 billion overspend' shock

Publish Date/Time: 
10/09/2015 - 13:03

Whoever could have predicted it? Data just released by Monitor (in great detail) and the TDA (in scant detail) show the NHS provider sector is on the widely-predicted course to at least a £2 billion deficit for 2015-16.

In other exclusive news, bears shit in the woods.

Editorial Thursday 8 October 2015: Toilets, party conferences, the memory of candour and not being TITs about busting the DEL

Publish Date/Time: 
10/08/2015 - 21:00

This latest dispatch from the health policy trenches begins with news of Jeremy Hunt in the toilet.


It is a Virgin toilet, as we would expect for a Very Important Secretary Of State. However, this is a Virgin toilet in a Virgin Train to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.

Editorial Friday 2 October 2015: What Sir David Nicholson said in his NHS Providers Annual Lecture (and what he may have meant)

Publish Date/Time: 
10/02/2015 - 17:38

The former NHS Comrade-In-Chief Sir David Nicholson gave the second NHS Providers Annual Lecture a few weeks ago.

It was a thoughtful, amusing and insightful presentation, expanding on some themes from his July seminar on what the Government should do about NHS finances, and introducing others anew.

In the interests of mischief, here are some key lines from his lecture, and what they might mean translated.

Editorial Wednesday 9 September 2015: Jeremy Hunt goes Full Stevens with bid to abolish/universalise FT status

Publish Date/Time: 
09/09/2015 - 08:52

I have previously mentioned that NHS England Sun King Simon Stevens has a way with legislation that doesn't suit his strategy: he simply ignores the shit out of it, in the sure and certain faith that he won't be challenged.

The traumatic legacy of the 2012 legislation is such that PM David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne want to re-onshore health policy from Simon as much as they want a return to recession.

The Maynard Doctrine: On Nero, and fiddling whilst the NHS burns

Health economist Professor Alan Maynard explores how workforce issues, funding and social care gaps amount to an NHS conflagration

On Nero and fiddling whilst the NHS burns
The Department of Health and NHS England continue to produce a plethora of what the charitable might call innovations. As the Comprehensive Spending Review progresses, ’bold’ notions, such as allocating more NHS funding to social care, echo through the corridors of Richmond House.

As ever, life in the real NHS emulates the old Chinese curse: “may you live in interesting times”!

Editorial Thursday 14 August 2015: Journey To The Foot Of Our Stairs - on the Tories' offshoring health policy to Simon Stevens

Publish Date/Time: 
08/13/2015 - 20:55

If it hasn't been done already, the socio-cultural impact of classic phrases from Lancashire is undoubtedly a PhD thesis waiting to happen.

Lancastrians are a withering lot, which presumably you need to be if you're going to fight people from Yorkshire about flowers.

Editorial Wednesday 5 August 2015: Catching up - 'when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro'

Publish Date/Time: 
08/05/2015 - 11:58

It's been an interesting few weeks in health policy. A lot of things that have happened have been even less reasonable than usual.

In fact, it has gotten downright weird. In the words of the late Dr Hunter S Thompson, "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro".

NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens interview - August 2015

Publish Date/Time: 
08/04/2015 - 15:41

Interview by Andy Cowper

Health Policy Insight: How are the new Vanguards doing?

Simon Stevens: The selection for the first crop of PACS/MCP Vanguards was only four months ago, and the ones chosen were not by any means all the usual suspects; nor were they in parts of the country universally deemed to be 'doing well'.

The Maynard Doctrine: On Canute, mushroom management and digging holes

Health economist Professor Alan Maynard on tide-turning, mustroom management and hole-hollowing

The post-election logic of the Government NHS policy is as elusive as a piece of soap in the bath. But then, perhaps we are expecting too much of the Government’s attempts to keep the NHS show on the road.
Let’s review three areas of their post-election NHS “innovatory” activity.

The King Canute Problem of wishful thinking is no substitute for evidence based policy

Editorial Thursday 30 July 2015: Sir David Nicholson 'Is the Government still ignoring the NHS's financial problem?'

Publish Date/Time: 
07/30/2015 - 20:09

Transcript of Sir David Nicholson seminar, Civitas 20 July 2015 'Is the Government still ignoring the NHS's finance problem?'

The term 'The Nicholson Challenge' was health select committee chair Stephen Dorrell putting a target on my back. Recently, George Osborne called the Five-Year Forward View (5YFV) 'The Stevens Plan'. Simon will have noticed ...