Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editor’s blog Tuesday 16 February 2010: Mutual incomprehension, and Barbara Young coughs about her exit

Publish Date/Time: 
02/16/2010 - 23:02

Hello. Hope you had a good weekend.

We have newly-minted Maynard Doctrine for you today. You may also be interested in this piece on mutualism that I wrote for Guardian Public.

Editor's blog Thursday 11th February 2010: On health inequalities and dis-coordinated care

Publish Date/Time: 
02/11/2010 - 15:13

It's a depressing subject, is health inequality. We get worked up about it once a year, or whenever Michael Marmot publishes something, and broadly speaking, de-prioritise it the rest of the time.

Editor's blog Wednesday 10th February 2010: Cameron at TED - wink, wink, Nudge, Nudge

Publish Date/Time: 
02/10/2010 - 23:18

The Guardian have this report of Conservative leader David Cameron's presentation to the TED (Technology - Entertainment - Design) conference today.

You will notice that the influence of Thaler and Sunstein on his thinking has not abated. That more choice drives equality - which will come as news to the morbidly obese, compulsive gamblers and alcoholics everywhere.

Editor's blog Wednesday 10th February 2010: The Nayl gun, more NCS fun and flights of fantasy

Publish Date/Time: 
02/10/2010 - 02:15

This interview with Sir Robert Naylor in today's Guardian is quite fun. He clearly feels like having a bit of a push at opponents of healthcare reform in London.

Interesting timing, I'd say. Bob The Builder's blueprint for a more open discussion of capital healthcare provision certainly won't be viewed as a capital crime. There aren't many fireproof chief executives, but he's one of them.

Editor's blog Tuesday 9th February 2010: Poly, put the kettle on

Publish Date/Time: 
02/09/2010 - 16:12

A good story here from Pulse on the potential savings in London from 'polysystems'. Or rather, the potential lack of them.

As I've previously blogged already today, double-running costs are just not going to be viable. NHS London has realised that the hearty and well-established nettle of London healthcare reform has got to be grasped.

Editor's blog Tuesday 9th February 2010: Variation of supply and cost – higher quality with fewer resources

Publish Date/Time: 
02/09/2010 - 15:51

The NHS Confederation’s impressive policy salon series launched itself into 2010 with gusto: its January iteration looking at the hardy perennial issue of variations of supply and cost.

The main speaker of Variation of supply and cost – higher quality with fewer resources was a visiting US academic expert, involved in the production of the leading ‘blble’ on healthcare variation in the USA.

Editor's blog Tuesday 9th February 2010: The politics of promises

Publish Date/Time: 
02/09/2010 - 10:42

So on Sunday Gordon Brown told The Observer what he was going to say in his Kings Fund speech yesterday.

Then he said it.

It included, "In the next few years - and because of our decisions on national insurance - we are committed to maintaining real term spending on the front line services of the NHS"

Editor's blog Thursday 4th February 2010: Health spokesfolk Parliament room bookings

Publish Date/Time: 
02/04/2010 - 16:01

The ubiquitous Guido Fawkes has posted the address of the Parliamentary online listing of what rooms MPs have booked for events in the Commons.

On a quick scan,

Andy Burnham
06/07/2009 Newspaper Conference Lunch (16) Astor Suite

Andrew Lansley
18/05/2004 Coalition For Medical Progress Reception (100) Strangers Dining Room
25/05/2004 TBC - Reception (100) Terrace Pavilion
20/09/2004 University of Exeter Reception (75) Dining Room A
22/09/2004 Westawaygillis Dinner (170) Members Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion

Editor’s blog Thursday 4th February 2010: Lib Dem health policy

Publish Date/Time: 
02/04/2010 - 10:04

Good morning.

Today's sermon will be from the launch of the new document by Norman Lamb MP, Lib Dem health spokesman. If you want to get ahead of the game, read this opinion piece in today's Guardian.

The pamphlet, The NHS - a liberal vision, sets out five broad guiding principles:
1. a fundamental shift away from central bureaucratic control to local accountability and responsibility

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