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The Maynard Doctrine: £200 million National Cancer Drugs Fund - nice price for Big Pharma; nasty for NICE

Professor Alan Maynard reviews the reasoning behind government proposals for spending another £200 million on new cancer drugs not recommended by NICE health technology appraisal

The Conservative manifesto pledged an additional £200 million to fund cancer drugs, which the previous government and NICE had been reluctant to fund.

Is this a good idea?

The answer to this simple question is it all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Editor’s blog Tuesday 25 May 2010: Life imitates art with ministerial hair-shirtism

Publish Date/Time: 
05/25/2010 - 10:42

Karl Marx argued that history repeats itself: the "the first time as tragedy, the second as farce".

The Liberal Conservative coalition government seems to be reversing this sequence.

Editor’s blog Tueday 25 May 2010: Queen's speech - health bill section

Publish Date/Time: 
05/25/2010 - 11:08

Number 10 has now put up its notes on the Health Bill.

It states that the main elements of the Bill are:

"To establish an independent NHS Board to allocate resources and provide commissioning guidance, and to allow GPs to commission services on behalf of their patients.

"To improve efficiency and outcomes by strengthening the role of the Care Quality Commission and developing Monitor into an economic regulator to oversee aspects of access and competition in the NHS.

Editor’s blog Monday 24 May 2010: HSJ says Lansley to abolish SHAs

Publish Date/Time: 
05/24/2010 - 17:11

In a spectacular exclusive with major policy implications, HSJ states that Health Secretary Andrew Lansley plans to abolish England's 10 strategic health authorities (SHAs) by April 2010, once his national commissioning board is established.

This policy was a Liberal Democrat manifesto commitment.

The story suggesst that not all the SHAs' 3,752 non-medical staff would be signing on directly: some might work at new GP commissiong consortia; others at "new regional offices of the independent commissioning board".

Editor’s blog Monday 24 May 2010: Lansley's reconfiguration inspirations - Pollyanna, Pangloss and Micawber

Publish Date/Time: 
05/24/2010 - 15:29

Further to this recent post pointing out that only one of Secretary Of State For Health The Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP’s four tests for service review is empricially measurable, it was interesting to pick up this DH press release.

The DH release says that Lansley “outlined new, strengthened criteria that he expects decisions on NHS service changes to meet. They must
- focus on improving patient outcomes;
- consider patient choice;

Editor’s blog Sunday 23 May 2010: DH outlines new ministers' bits

Publish Date/Time: 
05/23/2010 - 09:17

The DH has outlined the new ministers' bits.

This announcement makes it clear that the responsibilites are broadly as follows:

Simon Burns MP - Minister of State for Health, portfolio includes:
NHS Performance
Health Services
Reconfiguration of Services
Patient Safety
Application of Quality Regulation
NHS Workforce
Mixed Sex Accommodation
Connecting for Health

Paul Burstow MP - Minister of State for Care Services, portfolio includes:
Long Term Care Reform
Adult Social Care

Editor's blog Friday 21 May 2010: Cancer drugs, ASDA, faith and markets

Publish Date/Time: 
05/21/2010 - 11:23

This press release from Wal-Mart subsidiary Asda catches the eye, for several reasons.

The concept of cancer provokes fear that is both wholly rational (the thought of our own bodies' cells trying to kill us) and can lead to irrationality. Perhaps it is a sign of an age without religious faith that cancer - practically a pseudonym for death, rather than the long-term condition it will one day be - has acquired doctrinal status within the church of healthcare.

Editor’s blog Friday 21 May 2010: Lansley's four tests for NHS service changes - only one is empirically measurable

Publish Date/Time: 
05/21/2010 - 08:41

Writing in today's Daily Telegraph, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley outlines his four criteria for NHS service change.

He writes of the key tests, "First, there must be clarity about the clinical evidence base underpinning the proposals. Second, they must have the support of the GP commissioners involved. Third, they must genuinely promote choice for their patients. Fourth, the process must have genuinely engaged the public, patients and local authorities".

Editor’s blog Thursday 20 May 2010: The government’s Coalition Agreement on NHS and health policy reviewed

Publish Date/Time: 
05/20/2010 - 09:46

The Coalition Agreement starts with three words, in 56-point type – Freedom, Fairness, Responsibility.

Let’s judge what it specifically says about health policy (and related issues) as such.

And policy people, you now have your three key words for the next period of government. Think FFR at all times.