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Editor's blog Tuesday 11 May 2010: Frosty The Führer proves that NHS trusts spend every public pound wisely

Publish Date/Time: 
05/10/2010 - 23:52

Tom Lehrer famously said that political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was given the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1973.

This sprang to mind as I read with mounting incredulity this story about West Midlands Ambulance Service commissioning £10,000 worth of research on what makes a leader be perceived as 'cool'.

One of the options in a survey given to ambulance staff was Adolf Hitler.

Yes, you did just read that right.

Editor’s blog Monday 10 May 2010: Continental drift, flying pork barrels and the volcano effect

Publish Date/Time: 
05/10/2010 - 20:16

First past the post electoral systems are great, apparently: they give you strong government. Not like those Continentals, what?


So. To recap.

Gordon Brown has recognised that he can't stay as Prime Minister if the Lib Dems are to consider a 'progressive coalition'.

The Conservatives have 'final'-offered the Lib Dems a referendum on Alternative Voting and fixed term parliaments.

And the Lib Dems have opened formal negotiations with Labour, after Brown's announcement that he will stand down by September.

Inversely proportional risks; disproportionate rewards

Editor’s blog Monday 10 May 2010: Just another manic Monday

Publish Date/Time: 
05/10/2010 - 12:01


Well, this is fun, isn’t it?

Uncertainty over the deal, coalition or understanding to form a new government lingers like a fart in a spacesuit.

I will be putting some links up later to pieces we’ve published which may help contextualise the policy plans likely to be coming towards us.

The future of commissioning looks less rosy than ever, as HSJ reports that Gary Belfield has handed in his notice.

Editor's blog Sunday 9 May 2010: A great political columnist departs

Publish Date/Time: 
05/09/2010 - 19:39

Good evening.

In these equivocal times, it is particularly sad to report the death of Alan Watkins, one of the best political columnists of recent decades, yesterday. He was 77.

Editor's blog Saturday 8 May 2010: Life's a riot (or at least a demonstration) for voting reform

Publish Date/Time: 
05/08/2010 - 14:32

Some smart progressives have decided that a bit of a demonstration outside the Lib Dem meeting this afternoon would be effective.

And they're right.

And they've got Billy Bragg!

This is getting interesting ...

Editor's blog Saturday 8 May 2010: Anthony Jay's Sir Humphrey advises the Tories on their manifesto

Publish Date/Time: 
05/08/2010 - 07:50

I guess we could all use a laugh. These short film for BBC Newsnight, resurrecting Sir Humphrey Appleby to review the manifestos for the 2010 election, are brilliant.

Here is the Tories.

This one is the Lib Dems.

The Maynard Doctrine: So what now after the election?

Professor Alan Maynard OBE reviews the post-electoral options available to the next secretary of state for health

The votes are in, and the British electorate has proved unable to choose between the devil they know and the uncertainty of the deep blue Tory sea. Possible coalitions look potentially frail.

So what now?

Imagine no recession …

Editor's blog Friday 7 May 2010: Farewell to Dr Richard Taylor

Publish Date/Time: 
05/07/2010 - 13:33

There is a good rundown of who health-wise has gone or stayed here on the HSJ website.

Some of the departures are no loss at all - just career hacks.

One is a loss, very much so: Dr Richard Taylor, formerly MP for Kidderminster. Elected on the back of a proposed hospital closure in 2001, Taylor secured re-election in 2005 on the back of a strong performance as a constituency MP.

Editor's blog Friday May 2010: Some thoughts on a hung Parliament

Publish Date/Time: 
05/07/2010 - 06:14

So, unless all the remaining seats declare Tory during the day ...

David Cameron is the Conservative Party's Al Gore.

Nobody can really talk positively about a mandate.

The theory that the Murdoch media influences elections has been comprehensively discredited.

At some point today, the phrase "stealing the election" will re-enter popular usage.

Editor's blog Thursday 6 May 2010: A non-NHS election: inside Pandora's Box with Schrödinger's cat

Publish Date/Time: 
05/06/2010 - 18:59

Evening, all.

Sit down and have a relaxing drink - you deserve it.

So does HPI associate director Tom Smith, whose fresh dose of Health Policy Today summarises where we are tonight and likely to be come Monday morning better than anything else I have seen. Enjoy.

Tonight's editor's blog is, as ever, being brought to you from the 'home of UK health policy'.

And for almost all of the (first?) 2010 general election campaign, UK health policy has been The Dog That Didn't Bark.