Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editor's blog (2) 18th August 2008: money for nothing to the Ritalin generation

Publish Date/Time: 
08/18/2008 - 22:24

Oh. For. Fuck’s. Sake.

I have just wasted half an hour of my life that I’m never going to get back again, watching the BBC Panorama programme on drug access and NICE.

Now 30 minutes is far too short a time to even attempt a serious programme about healthcare rationing if you’re clever and thoughtful (even though the BBC evidently believe that the attention deficit disorder generation, weaned on Ritalin and fast edits, can bear no more), so a serious programme is what we didn’t get.

Editor's blog 18th August - Rawlins and Dillon show attack is the best form of defence

Publish Date/Time: 
08/18/2008 - 12:57

While blogging last night, I didn't yet know that NICE chair Professor Sir Michael Rawlins would be writing a piece for the Health Service Journal website today, and merely went from what was in The Observer's interview / feature.

Editor's blog 17th August 2008: Rawlins bites back

Publish Date/Time: 
08/17/2008 - 20:23

Hello again, after another unwanted and unexpected workload-enforced interregnum of absence. What a lot of medals Team GB have got. It's great! There may be hope for the obesity crisis yet if this turns sport and exercise back to something we as a nation do rather than something we just watch (with all the associated pornographic connotations).

Editor’s blog 7th August 2008: P4 / 2P = pay to play?

Publish Date/Time: 
08/07/2008 - 19:28

The curse of the TLA (three-letter acronym) is a heavy shadow hanging over the wonderful world of the NHS. In particular, dual definitions can be fun.

Editor's blog 5th August 2008: loving an elevator?

Publish Date/Time: 
08/05/2008 - 22:09

Evening, all. You will find Tom Smith's latest Health Policy Today now online, reflecting on the policy and political misunderstandings of the book Nudge. No, I haven't read it yet and so am not going to opine about this. (Tom has, though).

Instead, just a quick reflection that in the spirit of the World-Class Commissioning team's alterations to FESC procurements, taking the process down to less than two months, the DH has announced a similar initiative for Local Improvement Finance Trusts (LIFTs) - the PFI of primary care.

Editor's blog 4th August 2008: Localism - easy to mouthe, but hard to swallow

Publish Date/Time: 
08/04/2008 - 16:58

Good evening.

Today we have new Maynard Doctrine, looking at the issue of variation in nursing practice; and Health Policy Today, which notes the story in the Daily Telegraph that Conservative Freedom Of Information requests have found that 1/3 of PCTs are not intending to consult with their community.

Editor's blog 31 July 2008: The curse of the drinking classes

Publish Date/Time: 
07/31/2008 - 20:50

Oscar Wilde inverted the well-known Temperance Movement slogan to produce his formulation that "work is the curse of the drinking classes" - which is to say that workload has rather got in the way of recent updates to the site. Apologies if you've been franticaly hitting refresh and waiting for us. We are back.

However, please note that the near-daily updates may be a bit more sporadic during August, for obvious reasons.

Editor's blog 28 July 2008: Investing for outcomes

Publish Date/Time: 
07/28/2008 - 22:40

Good evening - good, that is, if the thunderstorm has passed you by yet, taking with it the louring humidity. The initial rainfall was dramatic and short - which is as good a segue as I can manage to the thoroughly good news that Film Four are this week running a series of classic Ingmar Bergman films, which share both those qualities.

Editor's blog 24 July 2008 - Is healthcare an artisan product or an industrial one?

Publish Date/Time: 
07/24/2008 - 22:49

This afternoon, while I was tasting some wines in Meursault and Volnay, I was having 'that discussion' with the winemakers about how crap New World wines are. Now I say discussion, but actually it's the receiving end of a lecture (it's almost like they're blogging at me or something ...)

No, the lecture is a joke anyway. These are by no means stupid people: they recognise that there are talented artisan winemakers in every wine-growing part of the world.

Editor's Blog 22 July 2008: Traction and drag queens

Publish Date/Time: 
07/23/2008 - 21:14

A fairly cosmopolitan friend (Cambridge graduate, former actress, former restauranteur, farmer’s wife, PhD and theatre director) once revealed a surprisingly vehement prejudice. She told me “I hate drag queens, I find it completely insulting as a woman and I don’t see it as funny, flattering or insightful.”

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