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Editor's blog 26th January 2009: Credit on the cards - to PFI for?

Publish Date/Time: 
01/26/2009 - 00:21

The laws of economic gravity are like hemlines: in and out of fashion. BBC News has another leak from the Conservative Party ( that the credit crunch might affect future NHS PFI schemes.

No shit, Sherlock. You mean banks aren't lending money to people?

Guest editorial 21st January 2009: The health policy impact of the EU’s new Presidency

Publish Date/Time: 
01/21/2009 - 17:50

This guest editorial from Helen Disney, director of the Stockholm Network, considers the likely impact of the EU’s new six-month Czech Presidency

Despite not being a ‘core competency’ of the European Union, health policy has nevertheless risen up the political agenda in Brussels in the last few years. So, as we kick off a new six-month period, with the EU Presidency being overseen by the Czech Republic, what is on the cards when it comes to healthcare?

Obama's health reform plans to cover the unemployed begin now – Health Policy Today, 20 January 2009

Publish Date/Time: 
01/21/2009 - 10:30

Tom Smith's Health Policy Today examines what the newly-inaugurated 44th president of the USA's health plans will mean in practice

On Barack Obama's first day in office, both expectations and his in-tray are high.

'As people in the USA lose their jobs, most also lose their healthcare coverage. Rising unemployment is compounding America's healthcare challenge'

Editor's blog 20th January 2009: A true story - good wishes, please

Publish Date/Time: 
01/20/2009 - 09:19

Good morning. We have new Health Policy Today from Tom Smith (, and I hope to write a longer instalment later today, but for now, a brief message.

Please cross your fingers (or whatever you do to bring good luck and success) today for Professor Martin Elliott of Great Ormond Street Hospital and for Ben Bowman and family.

Constructing routines to better support teams – Health Policy Today, 20 January 2009

Publish Date/Time: 
01/19/2009 - 20:06

Tom Smith's Health Policy Today looks at how a form can help organisational function follow a better path.

One of the most interesting reports from last week involved the World Health Organisation checklist for surgeons, which has resulted in a 40 per cent reduction in inpatient deaths. Though some headlines were slightly mocking, 'Right patient? Right leg?', the study has an important point that was missed by many. It reminds us of the critical importance of supporting teams, and how management can do this by supporting organisational routines.

Editor's blog 19th January 2009: Unhappy about Blue Monday, and personal budgets deferred

Publish Date/Time: 
01/19/2009 - 18:04

I am officially not happy about Blue Monday.

Not the New Order song, which I like very much. No, the media bullshit Blue Monday.

According to BBC News in 2005, the most depressing day of the year is 24th January. They cited "Dr Cliff Arnalls" - but mis-spelled his surname, which is Arnall. A minor error - I'm a typo monarch myself.

Editor's blog 15th January 2009: Safer surgery straightforward

Publish Date/Time: 
01/15/2009 - 09:40

Not that I want to seem didactic or anything, but you need to go here - - and read it. You can get the checklist here -

Atul Gawande, author of the phenomenally good Better: a surgeon's notes on performance (, has been involved with this project.

Editor's blog 14th January 2009: Transform over content?

Publish Date/Time: 
01/14/2009 - 12:11

Good morning. You will probably already have seen the DH’s new Transforming community services: enabling new patterns of provision (, which emphasises “quality and enabling transformational change”.

Editor’s blog 13th January 2009: A right, righteous bollocking

Publish Date/Time: 
01/13/2009 - 16:14

Stop whatever you are doing now (yes, even reading something I write);
go here (;
and download the House of Commons Health Select Committee’s NHS Next Stage Review report.

It is one of the best reviews of policy since the Committee’s work on MTAS / MMC.

Editor's blog 12th January 2009: Thoroughly modernising Milly

Publish Date/Time: 
01/13/2009 - 00:18

First of all, a warm welcome back to Tom Smith. Health Policy Today is back for its 2009 run, and can be found here.

And moving swiftly on to the news of a surprising return to front-line policy for former Health Secretary Alan Milburn.

” Modern politics, it seems to me, should be a two-way process where there is more dialogue and less monologue.”
Alan Milburn MP, on