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Editor's blog 22nd December 2008: a profit without honour

Publish Date/Time: 
12/22/2008 - 16:43

Blimey, I get ill for a month and the NHS just sort of explodes.

Hello, and sorry to have been away for so long. The flu that is currently causing big problems to hospitals and ambulance trusts hit my family and then me quite early and quite hard. I am now back, and what a month it's been.

I’m pleased to also present a festive Maynard Doctrine, as well as which I will try to summarise what’s been going on, even if some of it is hard to believe.

A profit without honour

The Maynard Doctrine: The season to be jolly? Postman Pat delivers Christmas thumbscrews for the NHS

The Christmas message of “goodwill” in the 2009—10 Operating Framework for the NHS is that the hospitals in particular are to be screwed until their pips squeak!

Editor's blog 21st November 2008: Notes from a sickbed

Publish Date/Time: 
11/21/2008 - 17:13

Cough, cough, cough. Splutter. Spit. Shiver. Cough, cough, cough. Feel sorry for self. Self-medicate with pills or cask-strength single malt, depending on time of day. Cough, cough, cough. Repeat.

Editor's blog 12th November 2008: The CMO and the sovereign customer

Publish Date/Time: 
11/12/2008 - 12:18

Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Liam Donaldson has been on the receiving end of a touch of criticism from certain quarters of the medical profession. Some people question why Professor Sir Bruce Keogh was appointed to the DH as Medical Director in an apparent rivalry. Others have relentlessly criticised his involvement in the MTAS / Modernising Medical Careers fiasco.

Editor's blog 12th November 2008: 11 / 11 news and the right to death

Publish Date/Time: 
11/12/2008 - 00:13

Two pieces of news on 11th November made me cry, but only one of them made me want to be sick.

The anniversary of the end of the First World War needs few words, other than it was not the one that made me feel sick. That was the immensely depressing and saddening story of Baby P in Haringey, North London, whose mother, over and a lodger were convicted of 'causing or allowing' Baby P's death. The details are extremely upsetting.

We’ve only just begun: the debate about the impact of ‘top ups’ in the NHS – Health Policy Today, 10 November 2008

Publish Date/Time: 
11/10/2008 - 18:00

Last week the Government said it could no longer defend a ban on patients receiving NHS care if they paid privately for cancer drugs. Making the announcement quietly on the day of the US election sought to avoid fuss and attention, but has only postponed the inevitable debate, which began to take off again over the weekend. The charge is that the government has pulled the plug on the NHS.


Editor's blog 10th November 2008: high-quality healthcare for all children in Birmingham?

Publish Date/Time: 
11/10/2008 - 13:42

Good day to you. Very rainy here.

But never mind - we have a bracing new dose of The Maynard Doctrine for your pleasure.

Maynard's discussion of clinical variations and quality issues could not be more timely with yesterday's cover feature in The Observer on a report about serious clinical problems at Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The Maynard Doctrine: How safe are your doctors?

Professor Alan Maynard on the need to address clinical revalidation and manage poor performance

A decade after the problems with Shipman in Manchester and Yorkshire, Wisheart at Bristol, Neale at Northallerton and Ledward in Kent, we still have no comprehensive system of revalidating doctors. The practices of these four doctors killed and injured scores of patients. Expensive and expensive public inquiries identified systematic failures in governance processes, and made strong recommendations to change the way in which doctors were licensed to practice.

Editor's blog 7th November 2008: new Commissioning Health, Labour win Glenrothes and reporting inequalities

Publish Date/Time: 
11/07/2008 - 08:30

Good morning, and welcome to the weekend's welcome approach.

First today, the new Autumn-Winter issue of Commissioning Health is now online at

I hope you'll enjoy it (and indeed the previous three issues, also archived there. With support from Bupa and NHS Alliance, Commissioning Health aims to promote thought and debate about how - and indeed whether - commissioning is developing in the UK.

Editor's blog 6th November 2008: extend your way out of recession via US healthcare insurance coverage?

Publish Date/Time: 
11/06/2008 - 09:45

Good morning. So how big do you think mid-day's interest rate cut will be? The full 1%?

This morning’s Guardian brings us an interesting suggestion that President-elect Obama should give tax credits to employers who provide or extend health insurance coverage for their workers at around $3,000 per worker per year.