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Editor's blog 5th November 2008: Barack Hussein Obama new President-Elect for USA

Publish Date/Time: 
11/05/2008 - 06:54

Well, it currently looks as if the Republicans may retain the filibuster in Senate (which can be used to block the Democrat Congress's legislation), but I would say that much-needed healthcare reform is gonna come (as discussed by Tom Smith here).

The reaction of investors in the US healthcare industry will be interesting.

And speaking of change, here's a song for you to enjoy today.

Editor's blog 4th November 2008: Top-ups announced - and debt shall have no dominion

Publish Date/Time: 
11/04/2008 - 10:31

Today, the Government will announce its decision in response to cancer czar Professor Mike Richards' review of the current policy of 'topping-up' NHS care. Which is that it is - officially - forbidden. Despite the frequent use of workaround solutions such as Healthcare At Home (, or other strategies used by clinicians who do not support the existing policy.

You may remember various pieces of coverage we have previously done on the issue:

Editor's blog 31st October 2008: Happy Halloween

Publish Date/Time: 
10/31/2008 - 12:28

Hi there. In a big hurry today, and furthermore it's Friday, so after making one brief point, I will simply nick a few links to other people's good work that might give you a bit of weekend cheer.

Editor's blog 30th October 2008: farewell to Ellie Scrivens and success with CBT

Publish Date/Time: 
10/29/2008 - 17:54

Good morning. First today comes the sad news of the death of health policy researcher Professor Ellie Scrivens at the desperately early age of 54 - The Guardian carries an excellent obituary.

Professor Scrivens' work on the need for external regulation has had lasting impact. It would be a great tribute to her career if the Care Quality Commission were to institute an annual award in her name- - perhaps one to celebrate sustained improvement.

Reaching out to the insurance 'untouchables': health in the US election - Health Policy Today, 29 October 2008

Publish Date/Time: 
10/29/2008 - 16:53

This time next week, we will know the name of the next president of the United States. Today’s Washington Post provides an update on how health policy is affecting the election.

The crucial difference between the candidates relates to how each would provide for the very ill – those that struggle to find cover. Obama would prevent insurance companies from rejecting this group. McCain would uncouple insurance from employment and create state-run high-risk pools, specifically for those that insurance companies won’t touch.

Editor's blog 29th October 2008: a galling error for Lord Darzi's hospital team

Publish Date/Time: 
10/29/2008 - 12:38

Hello, and welcome to Wednesday. HPI associate director Tom Smith has spotted a beauty of a story about a somewhat ill-attended Darzi session by a PCT.

Indeed, there seems to be no stopping Tom today, as he has also posted a very strong piece on the constrasting healthcare policy plans of the US Presidential candidates.

Public tired of NHS managerial vision sessions - Health Policy Today, 29th October 2008

Publish Date/Time: 
10/28/2008 - 17:26

The most entertaining NHS story of day appeared in It reports that a public meeting held in north Yorkshire to discuss local views on the health service failed to attract a single member of the public. To develop services, and public involvement, it is time for the NHS to focus on ways to bring together patients and professionals.


Editor's blog 28th October 2008: GMC guidance on referral incentives?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/28/2008 - 12:47

Good day to you.

A quick browse of The Economist's poll on whom global Economist readers around the world would like to be next president of the USA has found cold comfort for the Grand Old Party's candidates Senator John McCain and his deputy governor Sarah Palin. The McCain / Palin ticket is ahead in just six countries: in five of these - Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, Macedonia and Sudan - they have a lead over Democrat cadidate senator Barrack Obama and his deputy Senator Joseph Biden. And in which nation do the Republicans have a 'strong' lead?

The Maynard Doctrine: Cutting costs in the NHS

Professor Alan Maynard welcomes greater attention to costs and quality, but warns that doing the right thing brings a fresh set of dilemmas along with it.

The NHS budget is set to stabilise. Indeed with a Darzi-enhanced NICE and the impact of ageing on NHS demand, the real rate of growth of NHS budgets over the next five years may be negative.

Editor's blog 27th October 2008: Healthcare tourism, or getting it right at home?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/27/2008 - 08:57

God morning - I hope this finds you well.

The eagle-eyed Tom Smith has spotted and written about the UK's self-styled 'first medical tourism show'.