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Editorial Monday 31 March 2014: Some thoughts for NHS England CE Simon Stevens

Publish Date/Time: 
03/31/2014 - 17:36

NHS England has been run by a former Communist, and from today it is run by a former Labour councillor. Perhaps in our children’s children’s time, NHS England will be run by a former Lib Dem?

Anyway, Simon Stevens is a great hire. He runs the risk of inflated expectations leading to disappointment when miracles do not immediately ensue, which is a nice problem to have.

Here, to speed Simon on his way, are a few observations about the job.

Editorial Friday 28 March 2014: A quick thought about Simon Stevens

Publish Date/Time: 
03/28/2014 - 20:15

Next week sees the arrival of Simon Stevens as NHS England's new chief executive.

HPI reisdent economics-and-everything guru Professor Alan Maynard has already offered Simon some advice, and very good it is too. I shall add to it on Monday, as doubtless shall the rest of the health policyverse.

But to truly re-enter the exciting online UK health policy debates, Simon needs a handle.

The Maynard Doctrine: Table manners at the healthcare feast - advice for Simon Stevens

Briefing from Professor Nala Dranyam, Kroy University, People’s Republic of Yorkshire to the incoming Chief Executive of the NHS, Simon Stevens


Dear Comrade Simon

Welcome to the increasingly parsimonious healthcare feast. Following four years of austerity during which the NHS “ring fenced” budget has been raided twice to fund social care (£1bn in 2011-12 and planned £3bn in 2015-16), NHS activity and adherence to performance targets has survived quite well.

The Maynard Doctrine: Health policy delusions, supply-induced demand and sanity deficits

Health economist Professor Alan Maynard outlines the sanity deficits and supply-induced demand risks in current policy trends

Current NHS policy is founded on delusions about how the NHS is organised and how it can be improved. Have decision-makers gone mad or are they suffering ‘innovation’ diarrhoea induced by panic over austerity and continuous faith-based policymaking?

Editorial Thursday 20 February 2014: Will Care.Data Lansleyism prefigure reconfiguration conflagration?

Publish Date/Time: 
02/20/2014 - 15:57

Is it too late to coin the phrase ‘Lansleyism’?

It’s not?

OK, then: the Care.Data fiasco is a near-perfect Lansleyism.

For starters, there’s a pause for six months. That always helps.

More obviously, here comes another technical solution that will revolutionise the NHS, where the communications to the professions and the public was so dramatically poor as to create significant and unanticipated uproar.

I know nostalgia isn’t what it used to be, but this 2010-12 retro is ridiculous.

Editorial Thursday 13 February 2014: Chain reaction and the Comrade-In-Chief on change

Publish Date/Time: 
02/13/2014 - 09:15

Health policy via 18th-century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau? Why not?

Yesterday, Health Service Journal carried a fascinating article flying a kite for the provider landscape to be reshaped into large chains.

Editorial Tuesday 11 February 2014: How is a CSU commercially confidential, Earl Howe?

Publish Date/Time: 
02/11/2014 - 09:46

Now here is An Interesting Things, brought to my attention by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, Labour's health lead in the House of Lords (Temporal And Spiritual, for ever and ever, Amen).

Lord Hunt's fellow-lord, Lord Rea asked Buttle Of Britain Earl Howe for various details on the costs of commissioning support units (CSUs, of course).

Editorial Tuesday 4 February 2014: Why privatising the NHS would be A Very Bad Idea

Publish Date/Time: 
02/04/2014 - 00:17

The Twittering Classes were fascinated to notice that NHS England's outgoing chief executive, Comrade Sir David Nicholson had joined the micro-blogging service.

The Comrade-In-Chief revealed that he is taking part in a Cambridge University Union debate on the motion that 'This House believes that the NHS should be privatised', which you will be unsurprised to hear he is opposing.

Guest editorial Friday 6 December 2013: Why the NHS definitely needs drones, by CSU Cassander

Publish Date/Time: 
12/06/2013 - 10:47

In this guest editorial, the genius of CSU Cassander is unleashed on solving the woes of the NHS through drone technology - by sheer coincidence, his new commercial sideline