Health Policy Insight
Healthcare management online analysis and intelligence
The home of UK health policy


Colloquia: markets and choice in healthcare

Publish Date/Time: 
07/13/2008 - 23:18

AC: This week, I thought we could discuss markets and market mechanisms in healthcare. Richard Smith has written a good blog for Guardian Online (, which gives a pro-market perspective. That isn't surprising, given his work with UnitedHealth Europe.

TS: Sure, but he works for UnitedHealth because he has that perspective, not the other way around.

Colloquia: ministering to clinical priorities, or political ones?

The really new thing about the Darzi report was that it actually succeeds in laying out a non-political reform agenda in which clinicians are cast as agents of change
Publish Date/Time: 
07/07/2008 - 12:42

Colloquia: ministering to clinical priorities or political ones?

In this week’s Colloquia, Health Policy Insight editor Andy Cowper and associate director Tom Smith discuss how and whether reform is being helped or hindered by the Darzi Review and ongoing BMA-Government rows.

A gentlemen’s agreement, or a gentleman’s excuse-me?

Publish Date/Time: 
07/03/2008 - 13:11

A gentlemen’s agreement, or a gentleman’s excuse-me?
Round 4,371 of the BMA-Government row over access to primary care. Seconds out.

Richard Vautrey, David Stout and Michael Dixon discuss what can be done to make progress between the Government and the BMA.

by Andy Cowper

Colloquia: talking about Darzi

Publish Date/Time: 
06/29/2008 - 19:49

Health Policy Insight’s editor Andy Cowper and associate director Tom Smith discuss whether the Darzi review can “lead local change from the centre”

AC: So Tom, your latest Health Policy Today suggests that "the publication of the Darzi report, with its focus on local innovation and opportunities for clinicians may be able to move debate on from the current political impasse". That's pretty much tantamount to optimism. What makes you optimistic about this?

Interview - Mike Farrar, chief executive, NHS North West: clinical input and measuring outcomes

Publish Date/Time: 
06/28/2008 - 06:06


Clinical input and measuring outcomes

Why PBC needs a stimulus and why regulation needs to understand its limitations
Mike Farrar, chief executive, NHS North West
Interview by Andy Cowper

There’s a great photo of Mike Farrar from his semi-pro footballing days, getting punched in the face with both hands by a goalkeeper who, we must presume, is going for the clearance of a cross.

Farrar vs GoalieFarrar vs Goalie

It’s not just a great photo because of the punch - which must have stung a bit at the time. It’s a well-taken picture, which also encapsulates ambition, determination and guts.

What’s your take-up on technology?

What’s your take-up on technology?

by Paul Vousden, managing director, NHS THOTH

The UK has a poor record of adopting new technology when compared with other European countries. Such reluctance often owes less to a lack of money than a lack of adequate education and training.

Feature 21 July 2008 - Charles Clarke KPMG discussion paper discussed

Publish Date/Time: 
07/21/2008 - 22:40

Rt Hon Charles Clarke MP's report for KPMG – full of shit when it comes to healthcare

by Andy Cowper, editor, Health Policy Insight

I would like to admit to a pair of biases before I write anything about Charles Clarke, the New Labour education minister who oversaw the introduction of tuition fees for university education in England.

Nick Timmins: Top-ups: the earth moves as the NHS's 60th anniversary approaches

Publish Date/Time: 
06/18/2008 - 14:30

Top-ups: the earth moves as the NHS's 60th anniversary approaches

Now topping-up is to be permitted, does the NHS need a consumer framework? And should there be any cut-off point at all?

First Thoughts … Last Thoughts
by Nicholas Timmins , public policy editor, Financial Times

Interview - Norman Lamb MP on the Lib Dems' new health policies

Fresh perspective: Liberal Democrats outline new health policies

The right to ‘top up’, defined patient entitlements, direct budgets for long-term conditions and direct elections for PCT boards.

by Andy Cowper, editor, Health Policy Insight
It’s been difficult to write about Lib Dem health policies in recent years for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there haven’t been many worth the name. Secondly, since Evan Harris, they have had a series of spokespeople on health who have not exactly impressed.

Money, money, money in a surplus world

Why do SHAs appear to average a 15% surplus on turnover, while 25% of community matron posts remain unfilled?

by Andy Cowper, editor, Health Policy Insight

Money is interesting stuff, and eloquent with it. In a great lyric by Chief Medical Officer Liam Donaldson’s hero Bob Dylan, “money doesn’t talk, it swears”. So what four-letter word would sum up a surplus of £1.658 billion – just over 2% of the NHS budget?

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