Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Thursday 6 October 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 26-27 'Will Lords QE2 end political confusion over Health Bill?'

Publish Date/Time: 
10/06/2011 - 21:26

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The new double-issue, 'Will Lords QE2 end the political confusion over Health Bill? Party conferences leave us neither wiser nor better-informed', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editorial Wednesday 5 October 2011: NHS bits of PM David Cameron speech to Conservative Party conference

Publish Date/Time: 
10/05/2011 - 13:59

"Hard-working, pioneering, independent, creative, adaptable, optimistic, can-do. That’s the spirit that has made this United Kingdom what it is: a small country that does great things; one of the most incredible success stories in the history of the world.

Editorial Wednesday 5 October 2011: PM David Cameron speech to Conservative Party conference

Publish Date/Time: 
10/05/2011 - 13:57

This week, in Manchester, this party has shown the discipline, the unity, and the purpose that is the mark of a party of government. I’m proud of my team, I’m proud of our members, I’m proud to lead this party – but most of all, I’m proud of you.

People have very clear instructions for this government:

“Lead us out of this economic mess.”

“Do it in a way that’s fair and right.”

“And as you do it, make sure you build something worthwhile for us and our children.”


Editorial Wednesday 5 October 2011: Fact me! Andrew Lansley is doing the right thing

Publish Date/Time: 
10/05/2011 - 08:50

At the Conservative Party Conference, the hall was considerably less that half-full for Health Secretary Andrew Lansley's speech yesterday. A cynic might begin to doubt that they are, as claimed, the party of the NHS.


Editorial Monday 3 October 2011: Osborne's back-door Plan B is the new PFI

Publish Date/Time: 
10/03/2011 - 12:47

The man with the most important job in Government spoke to his party today, and said ... there will be no change of policy on the deficit.


Editorial Friday 30 September 2011: Haiku time

Publish Date/Time: 
09/30/2011 - 15:27

Number 1 haiku
New CCG guide
Towards authorisation
I'm so re-assured.

Number 2 haiku

Lords committee see
Unconstitutional Bill;
The price is not right.

Guest editorial 4 October 2011: Nick de Bois MP on why the Chase Farm A&E and maternity closure is wrong

Publish Date/Time: 
09/29/2011 - 14:41

This guest editorial from Nick de Bois, MP for Enfield North, sets out his case as to why the decision to close the A&E and maternity services at Chase Farm is unjustified.

De Bois recently wrote this letter of complaint to the Prime Minister about the decision.

I do not expect to be consulted over what instruments are used if I require heart surgery; but I do expect a choice over whether to undertake the surgery or not.

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