Health Policy Insight
Healthcare management online analysis and intelligence
The home of UK health policy

Editor's Blog

Editor's blog Wednesday 29 June 2011: Information poverty - the NHS's abiding sin

Publish Date/Time: 
06/29/2011 - 12:45

I attended an interesting session this morning thanks to Ipsos MORI, with input from a respected former health secretary. (Chatham House rules apply).

The theme was on a June 2011 survey on choice – the session’s title was ‘no decision about me without me – challenges for the NHS’. It focused on issues around information and choice.


Editor's blog Wednesday 29 June 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 13, 'The hair apparent', now out

Publish Date/Time: 
06/29/2011 - 11:54

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The thirteenth issue, 'The hair apparent: Health Bill amendments eschew promoting competition; instead favour preventing anti-competition', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editor's blog Tuesday 28 June 2011: A personal view on why NHS Alliance are not stooges

Publish Date/Time: 
06/28/2011 - 10:27

I'm a big fan of The Stooges, as in Iggy Pop's erstwhile band. Stooges of the traditional kind, less so.

That's the allegation levelled by Dr Ron Singer at NHS Alliance, carried in today's GP.


Editor's blog Monday 27 June 2011: The Health And Social Care Bill has jumped the shark

Publish Date/Time: 
06/27/2011 - 22:47

The gift of prophecy isn’t what it used to be.

When I composed ‘The Simon Burns 4 SOS Campaign Song’, I wrote the lyric “With a Bill to sell that no-one seems to want / Change the title and the font”.

And now it seems DH have taken me at my word.


Editor's blog Thursday 23 June 2011: Health Bill amendments seek to piss down our backs and then tell us it's raining

Publish Date/Time: 
06/23/2011 - 16:46

The government's Health And Social Care Bill will be recommitted to the Commons on Tuesday, and they have just given various stakeholders their list of amendments.

You can download it via that link.


Click here for details of 'What's the difference between a PCT and a CCG?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.

Editor's blog Monday 20 June 2011: EXCLUSIVE PM Cameron misled House of Commons; he met and heard Mark Britnell on NHS funding

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2011 - 15:15

A Health Policy Insight exclusive by Andy Cowper

Freedom Of Information research by Health Policy Insight reveals that Prime Minister David Cameron misled the House Of Commons last month.


Click here for details of 'What's the difference between a PCT and a CCG?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editor's blog Monday 20 June 2011: NHS staff survey finds big concerns over NHS reform

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2011 - 13:11

 Almost half of NHS staff (49%) feel that the care the NHS delivers to patients will get worse over the next few years: in summer 2009, this level had been 33%.
 While two-fifths (42%) of staff thought that patients want health professionals to make decisions about their treatment, more than half of the public (55%) said this in a recent Ipsos MORI survey
 Just over half of GPs (56%) envisaged the changes to commissioning would have a negative impact on the GP-patient relationship.

Editor's blog Monday 20 June 2011: Andrew 'Capability' Lansley's Newsnight interview - transcript and Wordle

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2011 - 09:13

With thanks again to a Health Policy Insight reader for their work, here is the transcript of Health Secretary Andrew Lansley’s appearance on BBC Newsnight from Tuesday 14 June..


Click here for details of 'What's the difference between a PCT and a CCG?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editor's blog Friday 17 June 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 12, 'What's the difference between a PCT and a CCG?', out now

Publish Date/Time: 
06/17/2011 - 18:14

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The twelfth issue, 'What's the difference between a PCT and a CCG?', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

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