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Editor's blog Thursday 5 May 2011: Reflecting on the HSJ reviews of Lansley's Year Of Living Dangerously

Publish Date/Time: 
05/05/2011 - 10:11

Andrew Lansley and I have something in common: we must both enjoy living dangerously.

A very interesting piece in Health Service Journal offers the thoughts of Stephen Dorrell, Alan Milburn, David Kerr and Bill Moyes on The Secretary Of State For The Time Being's own Year of Living Dangerously.


Editor's blog Wednesday 4 May 2011: The full glory of the listening exercise

Publish Date/Time: 
05/04/2011 - 06:33

There was great interest in the Future Forum's 119 listening events yesterday. Various Twitter health policy people started to ask questions.

As did a good friend, who was genuinely hoping to engage with the events in good faith. She and colleagues sought to get a list of the events.

And were surprised by the degree of difficulty this involved.


Editor's blog Tuesday 3 May 2011: Permanent secretaries bet on the impermanence of Mr Lansley at health

Publish Date/Time: 
05/03/2011 - 20:02

I'm not sure whether Health Policy Insight was the first to predict that Secretary Of State For The Time Being Andrew Lansley would lose his Cabinet berth over the wretched mishandling of the politics, policy and presentation of the current efforts at NHS reform.

I think that we were first. I am sure that we have said it more consistently and more emphatically than anyone else.

Editor's blog Tuesday 3 May 2011: Life on Marr's - PM Cameron on the NHS reform pause

Publish Date/Time: 
05/03/2011 - 11:36

So. That was a good holiday-type break for finance directors in foundation trusts, whose frantic applications for new jobs prompted by Monitor's suggesting repeated use of a seven-per-cent solution - though sadly not one that would have appealed to The World's Greatest Detective.

Indeed, we may well need the World's Greatest Detectives to find 7% year-on-year for four successive financial years. But that is another post altogether.

Editor's blog Friday 29 April 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 5, 'Cameron the Winner; Lansley the Magnificent', out now

Publish Date/Time: 
04/29/2011 - 13:26

Health Policy Intelligence is our new, weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The fifth issue, 'Cameron the Winner; Lansley the Magnificent', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence will not be available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editor's blog Friday 29 April 2011: Monitor letter means planning for an even tighter future

Publish Date/Time: 
04/29/2011 - 11:44

Copied below is the text of the Monitor letter to FTs and aspiring FTs (i.e. every provider). The tables won't reproduce properly below, so you'll need to download via the link.

This was picked up by HSJ yesterday and by Nick Timmins and Sally Gainsbury in the FT today.


Editor's blog Thursday 28 April 2011: The past few days and the future of Andrew 'Transport' Lansley The Magnificent

Publish Date/Time: 
04/28/2011 - 08:24

And there I was hoping for a quiet few days in healthpolicyland. Will I never learn?

(No, probably not.)

Tuesday saw Health Questions in the Commons.

Simon Stevens 2011 Health Policy Insight interview - Making sense of the NHS reforms

Publish Date/Time: 
04/23/2011 - 07:56

Simon Stevens (now incoming chief executive of NHS England as of October 2013) was at the time of this interview President of the Global Health, at UnitedHealth Group and a trustee of the Kings Fund. He’s best-known in the NHS for his seven year stint at 10 Downing Street and the Department of Health, where he co-authored The NHS Plan and much of the subsequent reform agenda.

More recently he’s been particularly involved in the debate about strengthening the NHS commissioning function.

Editor's blog Saturday 23 April 2011: Simon Stevens interview on the NHS reforms

Publish Date/Time: 
04/23/2011 - 07:51

Simon Stevens interview - Making sense of the NHS reforms?

Simon Stevens is President, Global Health, at UnitedHealth Group and a trustee of the Kings Fund. He’s best-known in the NHS for his seven year stint at 10 Downing Street and the Department of Health, where he co-authored The NHS Plan and much of the subsequent reform agenda.

More recently he’s been particularly involved in the debate about strengthening the NHS commissioning function.

He discussed the current NHS reforms with Health Policy Insight editor Andy Cowper.