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Editor's blog Monday 4 April 2011: "I knew I was right!" Andrew Lansley in the House

Publish Date/Time: 
04/04/2011 - 17:16

The good people from Hansard will have the text online soon, but for now, some thoughts from myself and also via acquaintances and friends on Twitter. (Come say hello to @HPIAndyCowper if you're on there)

1. There is zero desire on Mr Lansley's part to change course.

2. Mr Lansley is a Manichaean in his view of the world. He is absolutely right, and therefore his opponents are absolutely wrong. It's a black-and-white world.

Editor's blog Monday 4 April 2011: Mirror, Mirror - Tebbit, Miliband, Lansley and La Mome on NHS reform

Publish Date/Time: 
04/04/2011 - 11:54

Good afternoon.

I'm starting with Lord Tebbit's editorial for the Daily Mirror. It's where Our Saviour And Liberator Andrew Lansley started. As I pointed out, in 2001 OSAL told BBC News Tebbit was his political hero.

Editor's blog Monday 4 April 2011: Will Orange Book Lib Dem leaders be colourblind to activists' red lines?

Publish Date/Time: 
04/03/2011 - 23:59

The following press release sets out Lib Dem activists' 'red line' objections to their Coalition Government Health And Social Care Bill.

As we have pointed out, their party is now formally opposed to significant parts of the Bill as it stands.

The current Lib Dem leadership is largely from the Orange Book wing of the party. It's interesting to scan the aims of the Orangemen and Orangewomen when considering what follows below.

Editor's blog Sunday 3 April 2011: Number 10 mounts The Calais Defence over the Health Bill

Publish Date/Time: 
04/03/2011 - 17:29

So, it's The Calais Defence for Number 10 (which, topically enough, is a political strategy only a mother could love).

My friend Randeep Ramesh, social affairs editor of The Guardian has picked up the Press Association's story on Downing Street's response to the latest Lansley furore over the Health And Social Care Bill.

Editor's blog Saturday 2 April 2011: A rumour starts the rounds, as the 'Tebbit test' casts Lansley as Falstaff

Publish Date/Time: 
04/02/2011 - 17:40

Rumour's a funny dame, with her characteristic little echo-chamber of Chinese whispers, mischief and wish-fulfilment.

In the startling insularity of NHSLand, Dame Rumour acts as a pressure-valve, bush telegraph and light entertainment. All of which NHSLand seriously needs - now perhaps more than ever,

Last night, two different sources contacted me about a rumour, which both insisted had come from senior figures in DH - that Our Saviour And Liberator Andrew Lansley would be gone by the end of this weekend.

The reason I mention this rumour is two-fold.

Editor's blog Friday 1 April 2011: EXCLUSIVE - General practice to be nationalised

Publish Date/Time: 
04/01/2011 - 07:59

[Historical note - check the date]
In a dramatic policy U-turn, the Coalition Government's health policy review will in a year's time nationalise general practice.

Health Policy Insight can reveal that on 1 April 2012, ministers will oversee the transfer of GPs' contracts, assets and splendidly effective trades union to state control.

Interview - Stephen Dorrell MP, chair, Commons Health Select Committee

Publish Date/Time: 
03/31/2011 - 17:09

Stephen Dorrell, MP for Charnwood, chairs the influential health select committee of the House Of Commons. He was previously Health Secretary at the tail end of the Major government 1995-7.

He has won cross-party respect for his rigorous and independent chairing of the committee, which he assumed last May.

He is also widely viewed among policy experts as one of the best-informed former health secretaries, who has retained a strong awareness of the brief.

Editor's blog Wednesday 30 March 2011 EXCLUSIVE - Lord Owen: PM Cameron must sack health ministers; Health Bill "fatally flawed"

Publish Date/Time: 
03/30/2011 - 17:18

A Health Policy Insight exclusive.

Lord Owen:
- Health And Social Care Bill “fatally flawed”
- PM must sack his health ministers - Lansley, Howe, Burns, Milton and Lib Dem Burstow
- Without major changes, House Of Lords have Parliamentary route to kill the Bill
- Threat of statutory year-long delay if Bill not agreed between Houses