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Editor's Blog

Editor's blog Wednesday 22 December 2010: DH cancer czar - Cancer Drugs Fund "extremely unlikely" to alter survival difference

Publish Date/Time: 
12/22/2010 - 07:59

Regular readers know our views on the Government's absolutely discriminatory, NICE-undermining National Cancer Drugs Fund: not only is it a crap idea, it is a populist crap idea.

Editor's blog Tuesday 21 December 2010: The NHS - safe as milk

Publish Date/Time: 
12/21/2010 - 18:18

Thinking about the response to the White Paper consultation and the 2011-12 Operating Framework, I've come to two conclusions.

The first is that either the people who wrote this lot are very confused indeed, or I am. Perhaps both.

The second is that it all means the NHS is going to be Safe As Milk. I'm just not clear what kind of milk we are talking: farm-fresh; UHT-insipid; or sour, rank and turning mouldy.

Editor’s blog Monday 20 December 2010: NHS competition on price - will Monitor take SoS Lansley to judicial review?

Publish Date/Time: 
12/20/2010 - 13:42

The big one in the 2010-11 NHS Operating Framework is the announcement of competition on price, with tariff as a maximum.

The iridescent Professor John Appleby of the Kings Fund noted it in his rapid response guest editorial last Thursday. Appleby subsequently deadpanned, "I'd love to see the impact assessment on this one".

Editor’s blog Thursday 16 December 2010: FTs really are losing powers

Publish Date/Time: 
12/16/2010 - 15:38

TAXPAYER INVESTMENT IN FTs (6.24-6.28) – “The Government currently holds an investment stake of £24 billion in foundation trusts and NHS trusts, in the form of public dividend capital and loans; Regulating healthcare providers asked how this investment should be overseen in future, and whether there should be a role for regulation.

Editor’s blog Thursday 16 December 2010: NHS Commissioning Board to run or sub-contract consortia not ready by April 2013

Publish Date/Time: 
12/16/2010 - 14:24

Are we going to get a remedial Commissioning Development Agency, to go alongside the Provider Development Agency for non-FTs?

Editor’s blog Thursday 16 December 2010: The powers of the Secretary Of State over the NHS - to direct it wholly in emergencies

Publish Date/Time: 
12/16/2010 - 13:42

There is some fascinating stuff in the various documents - for now, just have a think about this, from the consultation response and legislation proposal.

It means that in undefined "emergencies", the Secretary Of State For Health will gain power of direction over every commissioner and every provider - all NHS foundation trusts and all GPs.

So this is what is meant by liberation - nationalisation whenever the Health Secretary feels like it. With no defined end to "emergency", or apparent need to apply to Parliament to assume remove this power.

Guest editorial Wednesday 15 December 2010: John Appleby on PCT allocations for 2010-11: disappearingly small rises

Publish Date/Time: 
12/15/2010 - 16:04

The iridescent Professor John Appleby is the chief economist of the Kings Fund. In this guest blog, he peers intently at the rises in PCT allocation issued today by DH and at the Operating Framework.

The harder you stare at the PCT allocation figures for next year, the less you see.

Less, not only in terms of clarity, but just less - as in the opposite of more.

Can’t avoid some numbers on this, so….

Total PCT revenue allocations next year will be £89.1 billion. This is equivalent to a 3% cash rise. This is greater than the 2.0% cash rise for the NHS as a whole.

Editor’s blog Wednesday 15 December 2010: Today's documents

Publish Date/Time: 
12/15/2010 - 10:07

Liberating The NHS: Legislative Framework And Next Steps

PCT allocations for 2011-12 (look at all the red ink)

The 2011-12 NHS Operating Framework

David Nicholson's letter on the OF 2011-12

"Dear Colleague

Editor’s blog Wednesday 15 December 2010: Super Wednesday and political noise

Publish Date/Time: 
12/15/2010 - 07:55

Policy-wise, today’s announcements could be among the most politically significant for the NHS since a certain third party leader stormed the first of the three televised ‘leaders’ debates.

The NHS is central to the UK’s political narrative. That is an interesting place for healthcare to be. Money and power are the meat and drink of politics, and they make it interesting to watch.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has made a high-stakes gamble in applying homeopathic principles to reforming NHS management: diluting it in order to increase its potency.

Guest editorial Tuesday 14 December 2010: Sympathy for LaLa?

Publish Date/Time: 
12/14/2010 - 18:30

Irwin Brown of the Socialist Health Association argues, tongue firmly in cheek, that we should be a little slower to condemn and a little quicker to sympathise with SoS Lansley

Are we getting to the point where we have to show some kind of sympathy for poor LaLa Lansley?

He had six years planning his programme, and expended endless charm on all parts of the NHS - but especially the GPs, and they are now turning against him

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