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Editor's blog Tuesday 19 October 2010: The late Equity And Excellence legislation?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/19/2010 - 13:06

Here we sit, in a very short-lived PCT (standing for pre-CSR tension).

Which I will illuminate with a story from a colleague who had a chat with an external consultant to the Department of Health earlier today.

Said external consultant reports that Health Secretary Andrew 'The Liberator' Lansley is, contrary to appearances, distressed by the adverse "commentary" that his White Paper has been generating.

Editor's blog Monday 18 October 2010: Signal, noise, distortion - FT research shows private sector not yet better or cheaper

Publish Date/Time: 
10/18/2010 - 22:49

Scanning the early editions, I found this piece by Nick Timmins in the FT, which concludes that the fabled efficiency and cost advantage of the private sector in the delivery of public services is not proven.

The CBI's comic response to the NHS White Paper is duly put into context.

Editor's blog Monday 18 October 2010: Revalidation - once more unto the breech position

Publish Date/Time: 
10/18/2010 - 18:53

Here we go again, again.

Another attempt at getting revalidation of doctors off the ground is hoping to fly by the summer of 2012. Truly timely: it has thus far proven an Olympian task.

Is the GMC going to be up to it this time?

Editor's blog Monday 18 October 2010: Labour's shadow health team confirmed

Publish Date/Time: 
10/18/2010 - 17:58

I'm pretty sure HSJ had the names last week, but the portfolios have been released this afternoon.

Unsurprisingly, John Healey will shadow health secretary and liberator Andrew Lansley.

Editor's blog Monday 18 October 2010: DH consultations on choice and the information revolution

Publish Date/Time: 
10/18/2010 - 10:29

The Department of Health's rather belated consultations on patient choice and an "information revolution" are now online.

Fill your boots.

Editor's blog Monday 18 October 2010: The unreal and real challenges facing the NHS

Publish Date/Time: 
10/18/2010 - 09:33

It's interesting to see that the two centre-left 'broadsheet' newspapers start the week of the Comprehensive Spending Review with stories about threats to NHS funding.

The Guardian focuses on the £15-20 billion productivity improvement, and quotes Mark Porter of the BMA consultants committee as saying that every hospital department is facing a 8-9% cot in 2010-11.

The Maynard Doctrine: Out of chaos comes what?

Professor Alan Maynard sees covert entrepreneurialism emerging and wonders about the opportunity costs of Mr Lansley’s liberation

Despite the efforts of the Department of Health and strategic health authorities, it is possible that the Lansley reforms will create a nice element of chaos in the NHS. Out of chaos comes opportunity for swift local deals to rationalise capacity and work practices.

Editor's blog Sunday 17 October 2010: Scotland chooses free prescriptions over managers

Publish Date/Time: 
10/17/2010 - 08:17

Interesting times continue, as the minority SNP government in Holyrood choose to make prescriptions free in April 2011 by dint of cutting 25% of senior NHS managers in Scotland.

The target group will be senior managers in Scotland's health boards.

So 25% of managers in health boards do work that isn't needed? Crikey.