Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Tuesday 20 October 2015: NHS Improvement - how the NHS can avoid getting Netflix-and-chilled

Publish Date/Time: 
10/20/2015 - 15:17

The appointment of Northumbria Healthcare FT/ACO leader Jim Mackey as the debut chief executive of NHS Improvement has been pretty much universally welcomed.

At the risk of going with the consensus, he does indeed seem to be an excellent appointment. The double-act with chair Ed Smith, a formidable NED of NHS England, is a good start.

Editorial Thursday 15 October 2015: A Twitter chat with Andrew Lansley

Publish Date/Time: 
10/15/2015 - 09:35

Well, that was interesting.

Last night, Our Saviour And Liberator Andrew Lansley took exception to yesterday's post on feeling sympathy for Jeremy Hunt.

On Twitter.

Replying to my Tweeting the link. Mr Lansley wrote, "when you're not issuing childish abuse, do you think NHSE(ngland) should be independent; if so, why not offer credit?".

It's a perfectly fair question.

Editorial Wednesday 14 October 2015: Sympathy for Jeremy Hunt

Publish Date/Time: 
10/14/2015 - 16:16

Since working out yesterday that Sun King Simon Stevens is now the de facto Secretary Of State For Health and Jeremy Hunt is NHS director for patient safety, I've had an odd sensation bubbling through my giblets.

No, it's not wind. I've been feeling sorry for Jeremy Hunt.

And to be frank, it feels a little weird.

Editorial Tuesday 13 October 2015: Versailles, here we come; Sun King Simon Stevens is in charge

Publish Date/Time: 
10/13/2015 - 16:11

The current NHS landscape, polar ice sheets and tall buildings all have one thing in common. When they start to collapse, they seem to move at first slowly; then massively and fast.

Simon Stevens' speech to the Kings Fund's Integrating Care conference this morning confirmed the completion of what HPI identified as a longstanding shift in the Conservatives offshoring political power over the health service.

Editorial Monday 12 October 2015: In character as Ralph from 'The Fast Show', Ben Gummer refutes an un-made allegation

Publish Date/Time: 
10/12/2015 - 15:46

Health Policy Insight has long had a a soft spot for junior health ministers in what passes for our hearts.

The greatest was of course the legendary Sir Simon Burns.

Editorial Friday 9 October 2015: NHS in 'on course for widely predicted £2 billion overspend' shock

Publish Date/Time: 
10/09/2015 - 13:03

Whoever could have predicted it? Data just released by Monitor (in great detail) and the TDA (in scant detail) show the NHS provider sector is on the widely-predicted course to at least a £2 billion deficit for 2015-16.

In other exclusive news, bears shit in the woods.

Editorial Thursday 8 October 2015: Toilets, party conferences, the memory of candour and not being TITs about busting the DEL

Publish Date/Time: 
10/08/2015 - 21:00

This latest dispatch from the health policy trenches begins with news of Jeremy Hunt in the toilet.


It is a Virgin toilet, as we would expect for a Very Important Secretary Of State. However, this is a Virgin toilet in a Virgin Train to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.

Editorial Friday 2 October 2015: What Sir David Nicholson said in his NHS Providers Annual Lecture (and what he may have meant)

Publish Date/Time: 
10/02/2015 - 17:38

The former NHS Comrade-In-Chief Sir David Nicholson gave the second NHS Providers Annual Lecture a few weeks ago.

It was a thoughtful, amusing and insightful presentation, expanding on some themes from his July seminar on what the Government should do about NHS finances, and introducing others anew.

In the interests of mischief, here are some key lines from his lecture, and what they might mean translated.

Editorial Wednesday 9 September 2015: Jeremy Hunt goes Full Stevens with bid to abolish/universalise FT status

Publish Date/Time: 
09/09/2015 - 08:52

I have previously mentioned that NHS England Sun King Simon Stevens has a way with legislation that doesn't suit his strategy: he simply ignores the shit out of it, in the sure and certain faith that he won't be challenged.

The traumatic legacy of the 2012 legislation is such that PM David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne want to re-onshore health policy from Simon as much as they want a return to recession.

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