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Editor's Blog | Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editor’s blog Wednesday 25 August 2010: Legal for 'unlawfully killed' David Gray's sons to call incompetent Dr Ubani incompetent

Publish Date/Time: 
08/25/2010 - 18:12

The Guardian's James Meikle and colleague report the thoroughly good and sensible news that not only can the sons of the man whom a coroner considered Dr Ubani to have unlawfully killed a 'killer', they are equally at liberty to use the word 'charlatan'.

You may remember that Dr Ubani's main area of expertise is in cosmetic surgery; yet he was able to work as a GP for the ironically-named out of hours service Take Care Now.

Editor’s blog Tuesday 24 August 2010: NICE and price

Publish Date/Time: 
08/24/2010 - 07:58

And so today, NICE is the bad guy for cancer drugs again. Its draft guideline assessment - not final - is that £21,000 is overly expensive for Avastin's ability to stop or shrink tumour growth in patients with advanced bowel cancer, in conjunction with other chemotherapy drugs.

NICE suggests that the usual gain is of six weeks of life. If you accept this figure as a working average, then the cost per week gained is £3,500. Per day, it's £500.

Editor’s blog Monday 23 August 2010: Caledonian Vitamin D ill-health hypothesis returns

Publish Date/Time: 
08/23/2010 - 21:47

This story about a hypothesis that certain kinds of ill-health including MS and rheumatoid arthritis may be associated with Vitamin D deficiency tickled a memory, and a quick dig around the archives finds that indeed we wrote about this thesis nearly two years ago.

The genetic data looks really interesting. Oliver Gillie must be feeling pretty pleased, and it looks as if he should do.

Editor’s blog Monday 23 August 2010: Cameron's plenary indulgence for NHS staff, missing Scots NHS furniture and other fun

Publish Date/Time: 
08/23/2010 - 13:09

Hello. Hope you had a good weekend.

PM David Cameron suggests to The Independent that working in the NHS would make you incapable of ever committing a crime, with his wonderful rhetorical question, "If you work in the health service, every time you go to a different hospital you have to have a new Criminal Records Bureau check. Why?"

Guest editorial Monday 23 August 2010: Sympathy for the devil?

Publish Date/Time: 
08/23/2010 - 11:46

Irwin Brown of the Socialist Health Association looks with sympathy at the roles and uses of NHS managers and management consultants

I am staggered that Andrew Lansley is staggered at the extent of bureaucracy and the cost of management and management consultants in the NHS.

Where has he been for the past six-and-a-half years?

Received wisdom (with a large invoice)

Editor’s blog Sat 21 August 2010: The right question for "staggered" Lansley 0.3% of NHS budget spend on management consultants

Publish Date/Time: 
08/21/2010 - 06:10

Well done to The Guardian's social affairs editor Randeep Ramesh, who seems to be first with the figures of the NHS's £300 million management consultancy spend in 2009-10.

Ah, I remember the happy days when it took zillions of FOI requests to find those figures. Now they are collected centrally - and that, folks, is progress.

Editor’s blog Friday 20 August 2010: Review of NHS consultants' bonuses

Publish Date/Time: 
08/20/2010 - 10:44

Clearly there are not enough reviews under way: the DH has announced another, and significant one, on the Clinical Excellence and Distinction Awards for consultants.

This is a subject covered here by Alan Maynard, some months ago.

Editor’s blog Friday 20 August 2010: Do GPs care much about the White Paper and commissioning?

Publish Date/Time: 
08/20/2010 - 08:32

Not if the fact there were only 300 responses to a survey by the GP freesheet is anything to go by, it would seem.

You can click through above to read the results. What seems quite odd is to have such a low response rate. August and all that, yes. But if that is any kind of proxy indicator of the level of engagaement ahead, there will be trouble. And it will be big.

Editor’s blog Friday 20 August 2010: Management consultants and drugs

Publish Date/Time: 
08/20/2010 - 08:16

In the new world of the White Paper, local government is to have a significantly extended say in healthcare and commissioning, as the local democratic aspect once envisaged for PCTs. So this pick-up in today's Telegraph of a management consultancy report that local government staff waste 2/3 of their day might cause a few shivers down Con-Dem spines.

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