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Editor’s blog Tuesday 28 September 2010: Incentivising healthy behaviour: a NICE idea, but does it work?

Publish Date/Time: 
09/28/2010 - 11:27

The recent report from NICE's Citizen's Council has got some media traction for its support of offering material incentives for healthy or healthier behaviour.

Editor’s blog Monday 27 September 2010: Lansley's letter to GPs and frequently (un)answered questions

Publish Date/Time: 
09/27/2010 - 14:57

Stop press! The answers about Equity And Excellence are here.

OK, that is a small exaggeration.

But you can find Health Secretary Andrew Lansley's letter to all GPs here, and the relevant list of Frequently Asked Questions here.

Editor’s blog Monday 27 September 2010: DH withholds modelling of consequences if plan to abolish FTs' borrowing limits proceeds

Publish Date/Time: 
09/27/2010 - 11:09

- Department of Health refuses to release document on potential consequences of Government proposals to give NHS foundation trusts unrestricted freedom to borrow
- Official reply cites concerns about what “both NHS service providers and financial institutions” might do with this information – despite a public consultation about this proposed change being under way

The Department of Health today refused to release a document outlining the potential consequences of abolishing borrowing limits on NHS foundation trusts (FTs).

Editor’s blog Sunday 26 September 2010: Labour leader Ed Miliband on health policy

Publish Date/Time: 
09/26/2010 - 09:59

Thanks to the Socialist Health Association’s hustings event for the Labour Party leadership candidates, we can bring you the transcript of new Labour leader Ed Miliband’s answers from this event in responses to questions. (You can also find Mili-E's first article as leader here, in the interestingly-chosen pages of the Sunday Telegraph. Tanks on lawns?)

Editor’s blog Friday 24 September 2010: Learning from individual budgets - IBSEN's choice

Publish Date/Time: 
09/24/2010 - 15:09

It's easy to be critical of the Department of Health; often with good reason.

Nonetheless, they have at times done some good work, and commissioned others to do so. I was having a crawl about their website, and found this study of the introduction of personal budgets in social care, published in 2008.

Editor’s blog Friday 24 September 2010: The quango cull: Lansley confuses re-definition with abolition

Publish Date/Time: 
09/24/2010 - 10:04

We already knew quite a lot of this, but this morning's Telegraph list of quangos-for-abolition is already superseded by this longer list from BBC One's The Politics Show.

The BBC cover note states that this is draft, and was dated 26 August.

Editor’s blog Thursday 23 September 2010: Unison's 'hokey-cokey' legal challenge to the White Paper

Publish Date/Time: 
09/23/2010 - 21:02

The interweb is a wonderful thing - sometimes - but this story on BBC News has changed rather radically in the past half-hour.

Originally, it reported Unison as having claimed they had won the right to a judicial review of the White Paper.

In its current iteration, it withdraws that claim.

Unison's legal challenge could thus be compared to the SAS - skilled in getting in and out with as few people as possible noticing.

Editor’s blog Thursday 23 September 2010: AMRC, HFMA and NHS Confed on how to do quality and productivity

Publish Date/Time: 
09/23/2010 - 09:29

Autum's arrived with a bang.

With no less pyrotechnics, the latest instalment of The Maynard Doctrine finds the good Professor getting stuck into the issue of regulation of GP commissioning consortia. Enjoy it.

Today also sees a joint position statement from three major bodies: the Healthcare Financial Managers' Association, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the NHS Confederation.