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Editor’s blog Thursday 9 September 2010: NHS IT programme decentralised; budget to be cut by £700 million

Publish Date/Time: 
09/09/2010 - 11:18

BBC News seem to be first with this.

The DH statement says the following:

A Department of Health review of the National Programme for IT has concluded that a centralised, national approach is no longer required, and that a more locally-led plural system of procurement should operate, whilst continuing with national applications already procured.

Editor’s blog Thursday 9 September 2010: Is Lansley to be Supreme Liberator for life (of the Coalition)?

Publish Date/Time: 
09/09/2010 - 09:27

Today’s Independent leaks Deputy PM Nick Clegg’s speech today to the Institute For Government, in which the Lib Dems’ romantic lead is to promise to give ministers “time to develop”.

Don’t you love reporting on the future? It’s like doing the horoscope.

Editor’s blog Wednesday 8 September 2010: The future of management

Publish Date/Time: 
09/08/2010 - 18:04

The future of management in the NHS isn't what it used to be.

For many clinicians, this will be seen as a good thing. For many clinicians, managers are target-obsessed, financial-balance-driven surrender monkeys to the tin Gods of the SHA and the DH, or Monitor.

There remains a degree of mutual antipathy between 'the two cultures', best encapsulated by sad remarks from various parties that managers and clinicians are taught to hate one another in training. The truth is more nuanced than that, but in general not much more.

Guest editorial Wednesday 8 September 2010: Something Better Change

Publish Date/Time: 
09/08/2010 - 12:21

Irwin Brown of the Socialist Health Association looks at Transforming Community Services (a.k.a. Turkeys' Christmas Solidarity)

There is a deadline of April 2011 for all PCTs to have divested themselves of their provider functions. All or part of them can transfer to a foundation trust (FT) or to a local authority, on a short-term or permanent basis.

Editor’s blog Tuesday 7 September 2010: Consulting the wrong subject, sweet con-fection and dear, dear NHS IT

Publish Date/Time: 
09/07/2010 - 22:21

Sort of back to school now, so here are some thoughts about recent news bits.

Who spent what on management consultants – the gory detail
The Guardian’s Datablog carries this detailed breakdown of the Lansley-staggering £314 million NHS management consultancy spend in 2009-10 - and specifically of which NHS organisation spent what.

These data are useful and good to have, as far as they go.

Editor’s blog Tuesday 7 September 2010: Shared decision-making in healthcare

Publish Date/Time: 
09/07/2010 - 16:07

The Social Market Foundation held an interesting event this morning, on 'shared decision-making in healthcare'.

Editor’s blog Friday 3 September 2010: Journeys and commissioning

Publish Date/Time: 
09/03/2010 - 16:55

That. Was. A. Bad. Journey. Back. From. Holiday.

I will have some thoughts to share about lessons I learnt from it about journeys and commissioning and sub-contractors; maybe tomorrow morning.

Anything I tried to write now would have far too much swearing, and would be prone to libel the living dirt out of various organisations.

Best not to, eh? Just yet.

Happy Friday.

The Maynard Doctrine: An autumn agenda item

Publish Date/Time: 
09/02/2010 - 05:03

Professor Alan Maynard looks at clinical excellence awards, clinical audit and individual clinicans’ performance – a significant item on the NHS’s autumn agenda.

You will recall GPs benefitted from the quality outcomes framework some years ago.

The taxpayer coughed up nearly a billion pounds and the GPs rushed to meet an array of process targets, many of which did little to improve patient health - but increased the comrades’ expenditure on cars and holidays for practitioners and their families.

Editor’s blog Wednesday 1 September 2010: Things today

Publish Date/Time: 
09/01/2010 - 13:35

Inverse Care Law proponent Julian Tudor Hart previews his new book in today's Guardian. Which also covers the new report from the Nuffield Trust about integrated care.

Both probably worth a read unless you're on A Journey.

One of which I'm about to set off myself, so see you soon.

Editor’s blog Tuesday 31 August 2010: Jazz Hands serves up bad ideas

Publish Date/Time: 
08/31/2010 - 21:53

I am probably as unlikely as you are to shell out for Tony 'Jazz Hands' Blair's account of his 'Journey', such as it has thus far been.

Even though the profits will go to a services charity.