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Editor's blog Tuesday 15 March 2011: BMA will not oppose Health And Social Care Bill in its entirety

Publish Date/Time: 
03/15/2011 - 17:22

Sanity prevails. The BMA's Special Representative Meeting votes against opposing the Health And Social Care Bill in its entirety.

Nor did they pass a proposed vote of no confidence in Health Secretary Andrew Lansley.

This is clearly the right move, with the Lib Dem policy spanner in the political works already.

It also leaves the BMA leadership, who may not be right on every issue, backed by their members and ready to fight another day - with a nuclear option still in their armoury.

Well done, BMA. The day was stage-managed and knocked along at a good pace (disproving my information that they would get stuck on the first 30 motions, with lengthy debate about composites, so sorry about that).

The BMA Council meeting tomorrow should be fairly jovial - and relieved.