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Editor's blog Tuesday 5 April 2011: Big Society meets The Ministry Of Truth - a national social enterprise for communications

Publish Date/Time: 
04/05/2011 - 13:14

Health Service Journal's Ben Clover provides us with a much-needed smile, thanks to this story about a proposed national social enterprise to do communications for GP commissioning consortia.

Apparently, it would offer 'gold' and 'silver' packages; campaigns; an FOI service; support around reconfiguration and best of all, a policy helpline to DH.

Yes, you did read that last bit right.

Best of all, though, is its provisional title of 'Commsorg'. Whoever came up with that one has judged their key opinion former, Sir David Nicholson, pretty well.

And it is to be a national social enterprise, but emphatically not a new quango.

Oh, and the free market couldn't do stuff like NHS brand, of course.

And the DH is considering letting a five-year contract for this.

Now that's what I call liberating the NHS.

You may not have thought that anything could make Our Saviour And Liberator's plans for the NHS look coherent and considered, but this has a damn good go.


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