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Editor’s blog Monday 11 May 2011: Mike Farrar new CE of NHS Confederation

Publish Date/Time: 
04/11/2011 - 16:05

NHS North West chief executive Mike Farrar has been appointed as the next chief executive of the NHS Confederation. He will replace acting CE Nigel Edwards later this summer.

It's a good choice. Mike is a smart person who can explain the NHS's shifting landscape clearly and comprehensibly. He's a personable and intelligent man, who will see that the Confederation's job in future is very much not what it was in the past.

There are to be less managers (who will be called "bureaucrats" more often by politicians); and the FT Network wants to go it alone.

Alongside this, we can anticipate that policy will continue to be made up on the hoof, as a very questionable Health Bill either falls apart with much weeping and rending of ministerial garments - or is implemented in castrated form, over a very looooooong timescale.

This means a radically different role for the NHS Confederation. Farrar will recognise that, and respond to it.

You can read our 2008 interview with Mike Farrar here.