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Editor's blog Wednesday 25 May 2011: Clegg saves the NHS tomorrow?

Publish Date/Time: 
05/25/2011 - 21:25

The seventh lead item on the ten o'clock BBC News was Lib Dem Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg's speech tomorrow in which he is set to win the battle of reforming the NHS reform, and promise ... what?

(The BBC's footage also showed Secretary Of State For The Time Being Andrew Lansley looking seriously rough. Time for a long rest from all this?)

There will be no function for Monitor as a competition regulator, now or in future?


Click here for details of 'Lansley: the NHS is not a mobile phone; I am not Henry V', via subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


We shall see. It will be worth watching the actual words used like a hawk - and also worth remembering Mr Clegg's party decided their policy was, back in March.

Labour's shadow heath secretary John Healey is giving a speech tomorrow morning at the RSM, in which he is likely to follow up on calls for the Health Bill to return to Committee stage scrutiny following its changes. It can be found as Motion Number 7 here.

It will be an interesting day.