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Editor's blog Tuesday 7 June 2011: A changing role for the UK's top health journalist Nick Timmins

Publish Date/Time: 
06/07/2011 - 15:43

I think there is fairly little doubt that Nick Timmins of the Financial Times is the best journalist on health that this country currently has.

Acute observation and a deep understanding of his subject combines with the fairly unique situation of being held in high regard by most of his prey, of both the elected and civil service kind.

I had the enormous pleasure of editing a monthly column from Nick back in my time editing British Journal Of Healthcare Management. Our chats by phone and getting Nick's copy were unfailingly highlights of the cycle of each issue.

Nick's role with the FT is changing: a new public policy editor (their current news editor Sarah Neville) is taking over that job. The pink paper is making the eminently sensible decision to retain Nick as a special columnist and regular contributor.

As well as this, Nick will be working with a range of other influential organisations in the health field. He will be at least as busy as ever, and undoubtedly just as unmissable - whether in the pages of the FT or elsewhere.