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Editor's blog Tuesday 14 June 2011: Five questions that should be asked at today's 'Winning The Reform Of The NHS Reforms' event

Publish Date/Time: 
06/14/2011 - 09:46

Here are five questions that ought to be asked at today's 'Flogging A Dead Bill' session at mid-day with the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Secretary Of State For Health.


Click here for details of 'Strongman Cameron's J-turn on NHS reform: neo-classical clinical senates (or what did the Romans ever do for us?)', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


1. If press briefings that you plan to make the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel statutorily independent are correct, you've made the CCP the economic and competition regulator and left Monitor no realistic role other than in system management. Neat trick - but don't your reforms philosophically oppose system management?

2. Deputy Prime Minister: why did almost none of your party's MPs notice what was in the Bill at first and second readings and throughout the entire Committee stage?

3. Secretary Of State: competition is being de-emphasised; hospital clinicians will sit on boards making decisions about commissioning hospital care; two-tierist commissioning is going to happen. You haven't got a Bill left, have you?

4. Can you point to one thing in your revised Bill that will help the NHS save £4 billion this financial year?

5. Would you agree that Sir David Nicholson has 'won' the NHS?