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Editor's blog Monday 11 July 2011: Monitor defers appointing a permanent chief executive

Publish Date/Time: 
07/11/2011 - 10:00

The below statement has just been released by Monitor. It seems no applicants made the grade.

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Monitor delays recruitment of Chief Executive

Following an extensive search Monitor’s Board has decided not to appoint to the role of Chief Executive at this stage. Although there were some strong candidates the Board felt that none had quite the right mix of skills and experience for the role as currently set out.

In view of this, the Board has decided to take the opportunity to wait for Parliament’s view on the Health and Social Care Bill to become clearer before re-starting the recruitment process. In recruiting to this position, the Board will work to ensure that the role of the future Chief Executive is closely aligned with Monitor’s new remit. The recruitment process is likely to re-start in 2012.

In the meantime Dr David Bennett will continue as interim Chief Executive alongside his role as Chair.