Health Policy Insight
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Editor's blog Thursday 14 July 2011: The power of four - SHA clusters officially finalised

Publish Date/Time: 
07/14/2011 - 13:30

The turf wars have been won and lost, and the four SHA clusters finalised.

Lines have been drawn on maps.


Click here for details of 'Is SOS Lansley a fool or a knave? Manchester Care Pathway speech defines a career', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Thanks to a trusted source, we exclusively revealed the ten-to-four SHA clustering (albeit with a speed-induced screw-up on where Yorks & Humber was going) a few weeks ago.

Four - an attempt to disprove Edwards' Law Of No Previously Used Number?

Anyone remember Directorates of Health and Social Care (DHSCs - April 2002-June 2003)?

We have NHS London; NHS North (North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber); NHS Midlands (West Midlands, East Midlands, East of England); and NHS South (South West, South Coast, South East Central).

However, reportedly, no office closures are planned.

That does not, of course, mean there will be no redundancies as the current 8,000 staff are reduced to 3,500 as per Comrade Sir David's NHS Commissioning Board plans.

More to follow.