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Editor's blog Tuesday 29th September 2009: The shifting sums for the National Care Service

Publish Date/Time: 
09/29/2009 - 21:52

Further to today's figures of a £200 million cost for the proposed new National Care Service given live on BBC TV coverage by Andy Burnham after Gordon Brown's Labour Party conference speech, the interview with Ed Milliband on tonight's Newsnight saw Milliband tell Jerrums Paxman the cost will be £700 million: £400 million from the health budget and £300 million from local government.

We also got a clarification that health budgets for marketing and communications will be cut to help fund the NHS bit. The savings from local government will come from efficiency savings.

It will be very intersting to see how this plays out over coming days. In comparison, the defection of longstanding Labour loyalists the Murdochs, in the form of The Old Current Bun could prove of far, far less consequence.