Health Policy Insight
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Editor’s blog Friday 27th November 2009: Back from Rio.

Publish Date/Time: 
11/27/2009 - 17:14

I'm Bach.

No, hang, on, that's not right - I'm back.

And bloody hell. I leave you alone with the NHS for five minutes while I go and do some work, and what happens?

FTs start topping their patients (again).

Baron Crisp of Eaglescliff thinks the NHS should be set free from the DH and from political control (ahem).

The tariff's late (again - as it was just before the then-Sir Nigel was under absolutely no circumstances fired by Tony Blair) - but this time, with the excuse of the pre-Budget report timing.

I mean, what are you doing, people?

Anyway. I'll be back properly - or as properly as I know how - on Monday. Until then, there is fresh Maynard Doctrine to keep you warm and thinking.

And there is ultra-fresh content from the good Professor here.

Have a good weekend.

Oh, and warm congratulations to Professor Chris Ham on his appointment as the new chief executive of the Kings Fund. That is a good choice.