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Editor's blog Thursday 4th February 2010: Health spokesfolk Parliament room bookings

Publish Date/Time: 
02/04/2010 - 16:01

The ubiquitous Guido Fawkes has posted the address of the Parliamentary online listing of what rooms MPs have booked for events in the Commons.

On a quick scan,

Andy Burnham
06/07/2009 Newspaper Conference Lunch (16) Astor Suite

Andrew Lansley
18/05/2004 Coalition For Medical Progress Reception (100) Strangers Dining Room
25/05/2004 TBC - Reception (100) Terrace Pavilion
20/09/2004 University of Exeter Reception (75) Dining Room A
22/09/2004 Westawaygillis Dinner (170) Members Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
18/10/2004 PM Society Lunch (96) Churchill Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
17/01/2005 Syngenta Dinner (52) Dining Room A
28/06/2005 Time Reception (50) Dining Room A
01/07/2005 Over-Seas League Reception (53) Terrace Pavilion
11/07/2005 The Stroke Association Reception (150) Members Dining Room
01/11/2005 British Beer & Pub Association Dinner (30) Club Room
25/01/2006 The Perse School Reception (100) Terrace Pavilion
30/01/2006 South Cambridgeshire Business Group Dinner (35) Dining Room A
08/03/2006 Political Intelligence Reception (60) Strangers Dining Room
20/06/2006 The Stoke Association Reception (100) Strangers Dining Room
17/07/2006 Cambridge Assestment Tea (45) Dining Room B
25/09/2006 Fund For Addenbrooks Presentation Reception (150) Terrace Pavilion
26/09/2006 Westaway Gillis Dinner (169) Members Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
07/11/2006 Annual Business Leaders Dinner (18) Dining Room B
07/03/2007 Anchor Trust Dinner (14) Dining Room C
13/03/2007 The Stroke Association Reception (195) Members Dining Room
26/03/2007 BIA Conservative Party Dinner (23) Dining Room A
05/07/2007 20-20 Health Breakfast (13) Dining Room C
05/07/2007 NSPCC Lunch (6) Dining Room C
05/07/2007 National Transplant Week 2007 Reception (75) Strangers Dining Room
09/07/2007 CMS - Dinner (12) Dining Room C
28/11/2007 Epilepsy Research UK Reception (150) Terrace Pavilion
05/03/2008 The Perse School Reception (100) Terrace Pavilion
24/09/2008 Prix Galien 2008 Dinner (174) Members Dining Room, Strangers Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
26/11/2008 Breakfast Discussion (11) Dining Room C
24/02/2009 The Stroke Association Reception (100) Terrace Pavilion
16/03/2009 Anchor Trust Dinner (12) Dining Room D
20/07/2009 Dinner at the Palace of Westminster (54) Dining Room A
10/09/2009 British Association for the Study of the Liver Dinner (105) Churchill Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion

Norman Lamb
15/10/2007 PM Society Speaker Lunch (62) Churchill Dining Room, Terrace Pavilion
13/06/2008 ICM Fellows' Lunch (102) Churchill Dining Room, Dining Room D
09/07/2008 Sickle Cell: Clinical Care for Adults Reception (70) Dining Room A
01/04/2009 FIA Liberal Democrats Annual Dinner (24) Astor Suite

Sociable fellow, that Mr Lansley.