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Editor’s blog Monday 12 July 2010: The vuvuzela of rumour

Publish Date/Time: 
07/12/2010 - 07:13

Good morning. Wasn't it a pleasure to see victory go to the team who didn't foul like an incontinent dog?

This afternoon, at 3.30 or thereabouts, the vuvuzela of rumour will be silenced when the NHS White Paper is due to be released. We will offer some coverage in the run-up, though we will be in a media 'lock-down' between 1.30 and 3.30.

We will also consider some key questions thrown up by what has leaked thus far, including this amusing concept in The Guardian that GPs will not earn any money for commissioning.

Not even backfill and expenses? Dudo, as they say in Spain - although this morning, they probably can't speak clearly.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley didn't look wildly relaxed on The Andrew Marr Show yesterday on BBC1.

In the meantime, you might want to review this post from late May, which themes some general questions about what the Conservative manifesto, Coalition Agreement and Queen's Speech said.