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Editor’s blog Tuesday 31 August 2010: Links and a public service announcement | Health Policy Insight
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Editor’s blog Tuesday 31 August 2010: Links and a public service announcement

Publish Date/Time: 
08/31/2010 - 11:30

Hello, hope you had a good bank holiday weekend and maybe even saw some sunshine.

I'm semi-off-duty today, so here are just a few links to accounts of:
Andy Burnham trying to drive a wedge between Lib Dems and their leadership on the Coalition Government's NHS issues

An infection outbreak at UCLH, now under control

Generic switching of statins should be handled with care

Magnificent healthcare research philanthropy from J K Rowling

And to give you a post-bank holiday lift, here is a fairly magnificent public service announcement from a school Down Under. Which could easily be adapted for NHS use.