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Editor’s blog Wednesday 29 December 2010: A fascinating analysis of NHS problems suggests a solution

Publish Date/Time: 
12/29/2010 - 12:02

"It is not good management to say 'you need to cut costs by £15 billion; go find the savings. It is good management to say, 'we need to cut costs by £15 billion, and here's how we might do it'. Without this 'here's how', managers are not managing. They are posturing".

A reference by NHS Confederation acting CE Nigel Edwards on Twitter took me to this document written by Marc Baker and colleagues for the Lean Enterprise Academy, on the NHS Bermuda Triangle. It contains the sage lines above, and many others of equivalent quality.

It is particularly good on projectitis, and offers a fascinating theoretical approach to inverting the management pyramid so as to actually focus on patients' experiences of care - and, importantly, on rethinking the job of NHS management to become a support function to staff delivering front-line care.

Read it today.