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Editor's blog Tuesday 8 March 2011: Did SOS Lansley's statement that FTN leaked letter to BBC mislead the House?

Publish Date/Time: 
03/08/2011 - 17:53

During Health Questions today in the House of Commons, Secretary Of State For Health Andrew Lansley was asked a question about a letter from NHS Confederation Foundation Trust Network to David Flory, finance supremo of the DH (reported today in the Evening Standard), warning of the impending effect of reduced spending due to the efficiency savings under way.

SOS Lansley prefaced his response to the question by saying, "That will be the leak that took place when the head of the Foundation Trust Network gave it to the BBC".

The NHS Confederation deny that this is so.

Hansard - the official record - records it here.

Assuming the FTN maintain the reported line that they did not leak the letter, then SOS Lansley has accused what will become the representative organisation for all NHS providers of something that they deny doing.

It's an interesting place for a Health Secretary to be.

Unless, of course, it was to be perceived that he were misleading the House.