Health Policy Insight
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HPI Content

Editor's blog 11th February 2009: Good science, Bad Science, stupidity and the MMR vaccine

Publish Date/Time: 
02/11/2009 - 18:13

Good evening. I'm sorry I have been around a bit less frequently of late (various bits and pieces happening off stage, where they shall remain). I just need to have a little say on a big issue.

Editor's blog 11th February 2009: RIP Sir George Godber

Publish Date/Time: 
02/11/2009 - 09:56

Good morning, on what is here, at least, a lovely, sunny day.

Today's Guardian brings the sad news of the death of former CMO Sir George Godber ( Aged 100, he cannot be considered to have had a bad innings.

Editor's blog 5th February 2009: Matthew Swindells interview

Publish Date/Time: 
02/05/2009 - 18:14

Good evening, and happy new interest rate. Refinancing your PFI deals?

Today we have an exclusive interview with Matthew Swindells, who within a few years has gone from NHS manager to ministerial policy special adviser to MD of health for Tribal Group. In it, he is candid and frank, leaving no punches unpulled - and you can read it here:

Enjoy it. Matthew will also be coming on board as a new columnist for Health Policy Insight.

Interview - Matthew Swindells, MD for health, Tribal Group PLC

Publish Date/Time: 
02/05/2009 - 17:51

Interview by Andy Cowper, editor, Health Policy Insight

Matthew Swindells left the Department of Health in April 2008 to become - after the mandatory DH purdah interval - Managing Director for Health at Tribal Group: a significant player in healthcare consulting and the FESC market for commissioning.

Swindells had been seconded from NHS management (as chief executive of Royal Surrey County Hospital Trust) to become special adviser to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt in 2005.

Editor's blog 3rd February 2009: Obama’s hopes on health Daschle’d

Publish Date/Time: 
02/03/2009 - 21:27

Good evening. I hope you're well and not coming down with a cold (which I am - a delayed reaction to the death of John Martyn. What with him and Patrick McGoohan going, it's not been a good couple of weeks for libertarian mavericks).

Obama’s hopes on health Daschle’d
With Tom Daschle’s withdrawal from the Presidential nomination for the health post in the new US administration, it seems that President Obama’s ability to walk on political water has hit thin ice. The best laid plans … see

Editor's blog 2nd February 2009: Holding public finance to maturity - not marking it to market

Publish Date/Time: 
02/02/2009 - 18:07

Hello, and I hope the snow isn’t affecting you too adversely.

Today we have new Maynard Doctrine - for you - please be warned, it is not optimistic at all.

Today we also have new Health Policy Today from Tom Smith - - which is somewhat optimistic, and wide-ranging.

Amid a snowy backdrop, moves afoot to whiten rules and procedures: Health Policy Today 2nd February 2009

Publish Date/Time: 
02/02/2009 - 17:40

This summary of health stories today reflects a subtle social and political shift in favour of greater clarity, transparency and thrift. After heavy snowfall, we now have the perfect backdrop for a renewed push on whiteness. Greater transparency is becoming a key political theme for the NHS.

How much?

The Maynard Doctrine: Adjusting to hard times in the funding crunch

Professor Alan Maynard OBE surveys the impact of the recession on the NHS's chances of survival

The UK economy had two major strengths: its finance industry and North Sea oil. The latter is gradually running out; and the bankers should be run out of town for ruining the prosperity of our country.

Depending on whose forecast you read, the UK economy may shrink by three to five per cent this year. Some pessimists think that we may emulate the Japanese, and lose up to ten per cent of national income.

Giving it some attitude: feedback for health policy from 2009 British Social Attitudes report - Health Policy Today,30th January

Publish Date/Time: 
01/30/2009 - 11:54

The new British Social Attitudes Report was published this week. It offers fascinating feedback for the health policy community – for example, that satisfaction with outpatient services is rising while satisfaction with inpatient services is falling.

It reveals surprisingly positive attitudes towards the NHS as a whole and surprisingly strong support for public over private provision. It adds important detail to debate about both.

The surprisingly good news

Editor's blog 28th January 2009: A quick one on cello scrotum, good news, length and debts and mixed sex

Publish Date/Time: 
01/28/2009 - 22:29

Hello. I hope you're well.

It’s all a bit hectic just now, so more considered pieces on the NHS Constitution and on the IT programme review and the AfC NAO report will - like the Number 19 bus - be along shortly.

So, as they say in the trade, this is just a quick one.

We start with some much-needed levity and good news. First up today is an admissions of wrongdoing, coming (topically enough) from the House of Lords on the serious subject of ‘cello scrotum’ -