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Editor's Blog | Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Tuesday 9 October 2012: The Bellflinger Orates - on Jeremy Hunt's speech to the 2012 Conservative Party Conference

Publish Date/Time: 
10/09/2012 - 11:31

Here are some observations on the inaugural public speech of Jeremy 'Bellflinger' Hunt as Health Secretary at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham.

I have two top-line thoughts. Hunt's speech emphasises financial discipline and care quality discipline as being equally P45-inducing for NHS managers.

Managers are adept Kremlinologists (this is, after all, the Nicholson Health Service), and will notice that save for one mention of the welcome cut to very long waiting times, access did not get a mention.

Editorial Tuesday 9 October 2012: Jeremy Hunt's speech to the 2012 Conservative Party Conference

Publish Date/Time: 
10/09/2012 - 11:27

With thanks to the Politics.co.uk website, the text of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's speech to the Conservative Party conference follows below.


Click here for details of 'Lansleyshambles - game over, as Jeremy ‘Bellflnger’ Hunt does the reconfiguration hokey-cokey', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.

Editorial Friday 5 October 2012: Huntism - The Times, they are for changing

Publish Date/Time: 
10/05/2012 - 22:51

The whole Times interview with The Bellflinger, Jeremy Hunt, is now online, and hopefully outside the paywall.

It is really quite special.


Click here for details of 'Lansleyshambles - game over, as Jeremy ‘Bellflnger’ Hunt does the reconfiguration hokey-cokey', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.

Editorial Friday 5 October 2012: Another glimpse of Huntism: the principle of the 24-week abortion time limit; down to 12 weeks?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/05/2012 - 21:41

Goodness me. The 'Hunt Jeremy' game is well and truly over.

Sam Coates, Rachel Sylvester and Alice Thompson of The Times reveal that The Bellflinger's idea of a low-key eve of conference interaction with the media is to call for the abortion time limit to be reduces to 12 weeks.


Editorial Wednesday 3 October 2012: Andy Burnham's Labour Party conference speech briefed to media

Publish Date/Time: 
10/03/2012 - 06:28

Andy Burnham's speech to the Labour Party conference today (now online) has been fairly extensively briefed to the media.

We may call him The Mascara Kid, but he's obviously not into concealer.


Editorial Tuesday 2 October 2012: What does Labour's plan to repeal the Health And Social Care Bill mean?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/02/2012 - 15:02

The text of Ed Miliband's 'look, no notes' speech to the Labour Party conference this afternoon doesn't yet seem to be online anywhere I can see, but these paraphrase-quotes from The Guardian liveblog seem useful (UPDATE - BBC News clip of the speech is now up):


Editorial Thursday 27 September 2012: What will doctors do now they are running the NHS?

Publish Date/Time: 
09/27/2012 - 14:21

Speech at 20-20 Health fringe event, Lib Dem party conference

The 20-20 Health think-tank invited me to speak to their fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat party conference about what clinicians will be doing now they’re running the NHS.

This is what I said.


Editorial Wednesday 20 September 2012: Dr Dan The Hundred Hours Man responds

Publish Date/Time: 
09/19/2012 - 06:41

In the interest of fairness, following recently linking to a blog questioning Health Minister Dr Daniel Poulter's comments about hours worked, I am linking to a response he gave to an Ipswich website.


Guest editorial Monday 17 September 2012: “You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake” - melting healthcare data

Publish Date/Time: 
09/17/2012 - 21:59

This guest editorial by PCT Cassander, one of the wittiest and best-informed commentators on health policy and its discontents, discusses the potential abuses and uses of data to improve health services.

I had to read George Orwell's 1984 at secondary school. I remember laughing archly with the other quiet, bookish types in my year at the irony of being forced to read a book about totalitarianism.

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