Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Wednesday 20 June 2012: Andrew Lansley's NHS Confederation speech

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2012 - 12:32

This transcript is not verbatim - video is here.

I want to say something about tomorrow’s BMA strike. (The strike within the BMA is today.) I want to call again on doctors to think again before taking part in a strike that must inevitably damage patient care.


Editorial Wednesday 20 June 2012: An exclusive preview of Andrew Lansley's NHS Confederation speech

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2012 - 09:15

As we did last year, Health Policy Insight has an exclusive leak of Andrew Lansley’s authentic speech to the NHS Confederation conference.

Under embargo to 1.15 pm Wednesday 20 June 2012

Secretary Of State – speech to the NHS Confederation conference, Manchester

Check against delivery

Thanks Mike, and thanks to all the team. I want to say how much I personally appreciate all of the wasteful bureaucracy that the Confederation’s members are no longer doing.

Editorial Wednesday 20 June 2012: Health Policy Intelligence 47: The Tao of Andrew Lansley

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2012 - 01:17

A short extract from the latest edition of our subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence appears below. To subscribe for £69 for 12 months, email

Tao is (Wikipedia kindly informs me) the essential nature of the universe and being. Spiritual pursuit under the Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist faith involves the condition of acceptance and one-ness with the universe.

Editorial Wednesday 20 June 2012: Shadowing Confed, there may be trouble ahead

Publish Date/Time: 
06/19/2012 - 23:23

The annual NHS Confederation conference begins today, and two documents help set the scene.

The first is the latest BMJ data briefing by the Kings Fund's iridescent chief economist Professor John Appleby.


Click here for details of 'The Tao of Andrew Lansley', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.

Editorial Tuesday 19 June 2012: Words of Worth outline Tory frustration over reform

Publish Date/Time: 
06/19/2012 - 20:44

Health policy adviser to Number 10 Downing Street Sean Worth gave this extremely revealing exit interview to The Guardian.

There are some key lines to give insight into Conservative thinking in Number 10.


Click here for details of 'The Tao of Andrew Lansley', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.

Editorial Tuesday 19 June 2012: Cancer network funding thrown into uncertainty

Publish Date/Time: 
06/19/2012 - 16:14

Westminster Hall debates in Parliament rarely make the news, but today's by Lib Dem MP John Pugh must might.

Hansard records that Labour's shadow health minister Liz Kendall used the occasion to ask anonymity-prone Lib Dem Health Minister Paul 'Who?' Burstow about the proposed funding for cancer networks from April 2013.


Editorial Tuesday 19 June 2012: Rationing and rationalising - thoughts on the GP survey of low-value procedures

Publish Date/Time: 
06/19/2012 - 12:48

GP magazine's Tom Moberly has carried out a FOI study of PCTs' policies of limiting access to non-urgent care.


Click here for details of 'The Tao of Andrew Lansley', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editorial Monday 18 June 2012: We can remember it for you wholesale

Publish Date/Time: 
06/18/2012 - 17:02

This afternoon the British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers enjoyed the benefit of me chuntering on at them about health policy for a bit. They were a good, diligent crowd, and didn't walk out, which - given it was the last slot of the day - was nice (and probably all about my fellow speaker Ash Soni of the NHS Future Forum.


Editorial Tuesday 12 June 2012: The British Social Attitudes NHS survey and the NHS staff survey

Publish Date/Time: 
06/12/2012 - 11:46

Health Policy Insight exclusively revealed last year that the Department of Health was discontinuing its funding of the health questions in the British Social Attitudes survey.

This morning, a discussion with the NatCen team who conduct the BSA survey confirmed that the DH was the only one of several sponsoring government departments to pull its funding for BSA survey questions.


Guest editorial Wednesday 6 June 2012: The Top Ten (and a half) Chart of PLICS Pitfalls

Publish Date/Time: 
06/06/2012 - 08:24

Assista Consulting, reviews the top ten (and a half) pitfalls of patient-level information and costings systems - PLICs.

Patient Level Information and Costings systems (PLICs) has hugely increased the ability of NHS finance departments to accurately capture their organisation’s costs.


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