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HPI Content

Editorial Tuesday 21 February 2012: NHS Bad Habits

Publish Date/Time: 
02/21/2012 - 19:04

There's a really good Keith Richards bootleg of him playing piano, doing (All I Have To Do Is) Dream, Apartment Number Nine, The Nearness Of You ... it's truly great.

It's got a great title, too: 'Bad Habits'.


Click here for details of 'PM Cameron - Mr Lansley's "as one" or assassin?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editorial Tuesday 21 February 2012: Today's health questions in the Commons

Publish Date/Time: 
02/21/2012 - 18:46

via the ever-magnificent Hansard.


Click here for details of 'PM Cameron - Mr Lansley's "as one" or assassin?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


The Secretary of State was asked—

PFI Debt (NHS Hospitals)
1. Chris Kelly (Dudley South) (Con):

The Maynard Doctrine - Reforming the NHS in reality: in praise of Frank 'The Dosh' Dobson

Health economist Professor Alan Maynard lets the political confections go where they may, exploring real NHS reform and finding good reasons to praise former health secretary Frank Dobson.


Click here for details of 'PM Cameron - Mr Lansley's "as one" or assassin?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editorial Monday 20 February 2012: Shaping the agenda for the Number 10 health reform round table non-summit

Publish Date/Time: 
02/19/2012 - 13:25

10 Downing Street preparing for round-table non-summit 20.2.2012 - health reforms.

(None of this really happened. Obviously.)


Click here for details of 'PM Cameron - Mr Lansley's "as one" or assassin?', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Editorial Thursday 16 February 2012: An ending

Publish Date/Time: 
02/16/2012 - 19:36

Our friend Jayne died today. She was looked after with dignity and respect in critical care at the Whittington, and now the explicit grieving can begin.

There are words, but there aren't the right words.

Goodnight. Goodbye. Sweet dreams. Bon voyage.

We'll miss you, Jayne.

Guest editorial Wednesday 15 February 2012: Deconstructing #SimonBurns4SOS's 10 reasons why we need a Health Bill

Publish Date/Time: 
02/15/2012 - 18:28

Regular readers of Health Policy Insight will be familiar with our longstanding campaign to see him replace Mr Lansley as Secretary Of State For Health, which has its own Twitter hashtag: #SimonBurns4SOS.

Scandalously, Irwin Brown of the Socialist Health Association has dared to disparage a ‘ten reasons why we need legislation’ piece by The Legendary #SimonBurns4SOS.

Editorial Tuesday 14 Feb 2012: Health Policy Intelligence 39 & 40: Is PM Cameron to be Mr Lansley's "as one" or assassin?

Publish Date/Time: 
02/14/2012 - 02:19

PM Cameron: Andrew Lansley and I are “as one”; DPM Clegg: “Andrew Lansley right man for the job”; Baroness Williams: drop Section 3 of Bill
Sub-heading finds itself unable to live up to headlines; exits to join French Foreign Legion

I honestly don’t know how you write down the phonetic sound of uncontrolled, slightly hysterical laughter. It's probably for the best, given recent events.

Editorial Monday 13 Feb 2012: With Baroness Williams' Section Three-ectomy bid, is PM "as one" with Mr Lansley or aiming at him?

Publish Date/Time: 
02/13/2012 - 22:07

I doff my hat to Baroness Williams: she keeps a mean poker face.

This article for The Guardian may or may not be trying to fill an inside royal flush; it may or may not be a busted flush.

Time - and Lib Dem peers, who have (thus far) proven very loyal to the Coalition - will tell.