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Editor's Blog | Health Policy Insight
Health Policy Insight
Healthcare management online analysis and intelligence
The home of UK health policy

Editor's Blog

Editor's blog Wednesday 31 August 2011: Degrees of dissonance on the Secretary Of State's duty to provide or promote a NHS

Publish Date/Time: 
08/31/2011 - 09:07

The effective campaign group 38 Degrees has turned its digital guns on NHS reforms, with their commissioning and publication of legal opinions on the impact of the change to the 1948 wording that the Secretary Of State For Health's "duty to provide or secure the provision of" a comprehensive tax-funded health service free at the point of use based on clinical need.


Editor's blog Tuesday 30 August 2011: Atos Healthcare's action against CarerWatch discussion forum

Publish Date/Time: 
08/30/2011 - 13:17

The French multinational Atos are key players in the Department for Work and Pensions' disability assessment / return to work programme.


Editor's blog Monday 29 August 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 21 Silly Season Special, PM: “whole health profession on board"

Publish Date/Time: 
08/29/2011 - 12:08

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The new double-issue, '‘PM Cameron: “whole health profession on board for what’s now being done”. Why do they call August the silly season?’', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editor's blog Friday 19 August 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 19/20, 'GPs going on a data holiday, no more PFI or VBP?', out

Publish Date/Time: 
08/19/2011 - 09:22

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The new double-issue, 'GPs going on a data holiday, no more PFI or VBP?', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editor's blog Tuesday 9th August 2011: A riot of their own - empathy-cripples, criminals, bystanders and suggestibles

Publish Date/Time: 
08/09/2011 - 16:38

It's a public policy thing, so the riots of recent days and nights can get a mention.

The reactive instinct is to think in simplicities. H L Mencken had it right: "to every problem, there is a solution that is neat, simple and wrong".

Simple things may be part of the solution. Simplistic thoughts will not.


Guest editorial Thursday 4th August 2011: The balancing act.

Publish Date/Time: 
08/04/2011 - 18:05

This guest editorial by Dr Steve Kell, chair of Bassetlaw Commissioning Organisation, outlines the balancing act of leadership of clinical commissioning.

As we move towards the brave new world of clinical commissioning (currently correct term in August 2011), the role of the GP leadership is becoming increasingly clear. And less so.

Editor's blog Wednesday 3 August 2011: Health Policy Intelligence 18, 'Letwin dons Miss Whiplash gear', out now

Publish Date/Time: 
08/03/2011 - 17:10

Health Policy Intelligence is our weekly subscription-based analysis service.

The eighteenth issue, 'Letwin dons the Miss Whiplash garb; CCP co-operates with private sector lobby group; PAC notice NPfIT’s broken; and Liz bloody Jones ...', is now out.

Health Policy Intelligence is not available as free content. Subscription costs £8 a month / £69 a year for an individual. Increasing discounts are available to organisations wanting to subscribe for groups of more than 5 and 10 individuals.

Editor's blog Friday 29 July 2011: Co-Operation and Competition Panel elective care AWP report pro-choice; anti-commissioning

Publish Date/Time: 
07/29/2011 - 08:20

My swearing detox is officially over, just so you have been warned.

What is this shit?


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