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Editor's Blog | Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editor's blog Thursday 14 October 2010: Unison bid for White Paper judicial review fails

Publish Date/Time: 
10/14/2010 - 17:19

I predicted this on here a few times, and indeed another quarto of the Book Of Things That Are Not Surprising is stitched and bound with this HSJ news report that Unison's bid for a judicial review of the White Paper has failed.

In truth, a brand new government - even a coalition government - was not going to get judicially reviewed on its new health policy. Unison's bid was good PR, but bad effectiveness.

Editor's blog Thursday 14 October 2010: EXCLUSIVE - Reinventing the prioritisation wheel with the DH National Quality Board

Publish Date/Time: 
10/14/2010 - 13:49

On a day when the abolition of overall government quangos is big news, and the DH quotient is medium-sized news, it is at once amusing, depressing and instructive to see a classic bit of wheel-reinvention under way at the DH's National Quality Board.

Part of the NQB is its prioritisation committee, whose members have been told that the committee will now be disbanding.

Editor's blog Thursday 14 October 2010: Global Britnell; NHS Alliance play Macbeth; and RTT waits creep up a little

Publish Date/Time: 
10/14/2010 - 10:59

Congratulations to Mark Britnell of KPMG, who in the best tradition of all things world-class, has now gone global. He is to be the management consultancy's Global Head of Healthcare, and oversee the company's global healthcare strategy.

This will include setting up three regional centres of excellence Americas, Europe and Asia and the South Pacific. KPMG also plans to appoint up to 15 new partners in the next year to join its growing global health team.

Editor's blog Tuesday 12 October 2010: The answer is 30 administrative NHS bodies in England. Now what's the question?

Publish Date/Time: 
10/12/2010 - 14:57

The answer, it seems, is thirty organisations across the English NHS.

The question is less straightforward to discern, but the answer certainly seems to be thirty organisations across the English NHS.

This information is drawn from my story yesterday looking at Slide 29 of Sir Philip Green’s report for the Cabinet Office into (in)efficient government purchasing.

That slide is pretty clearly about the DH: it gets the number of SHAs right (10), although it slightly misses on the correct number of PCTs

Editor's blog Tuesday 12 October 2010: FT Network issues statement on NHS Confederation's suspension of Sue Slipman

Publish Date/Time: 
10/12/2010 - 13:04

Health Service Journal has obtained a statement from FT network chair Peter Griffiths in response to the NHS Confederation's suspension of FT network director Sue Slipman yesterday.

This is going to get messy, clearly.

Guest editorial Tuesday 12 October 2010: Liberation from the Empire – the Local Government Association take on the White Paper

Publish Date/Time: 
10/12/2010 - 09:38

Irwin Brown of the Socialist Health Association looks at the bid by the Local Government Association’s bid for a prominent place in the post-White Paper future

The responses to Equity And Excellence are now in. Support for the aims but almost universal agreement that the proposals will not deliver the aims, at least not without high risk, as argued with great authority by the Kings Fund.

Editor's blog Tuesday 12 October 2010: NHS Confederation response to White Paper - aims supported, means queried

Publish Date/Time: 
10/11/2010 - 21:17

The NHS Confederation's response to the White Paper Equity And Excellence is published today.

In common with most of the responses so far, it opens with a statement of support for the aims of focusing on quality and empowering patients, and for greater clinical involvement in commissioning decisions.

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