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Editor's Blog | Health Policy Insight
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Editor's Blog

Editorial Wednesday 29 June 2016: More on the clandestine McDonnell health policy review

Publish Date/Time: 
06/29/2016 - 05:55

Since publishing yesterday's piece revealing the clandestine review of health policy by John McDonnell, I have had various challenges by email and social media about my sources.

Good stuff.

The documentary source material is from the minutes of a grouping of health campaigners. Two separate individuals sent me the same document. Helpfully, I've since seen that it's on their website.

Editorial Tuesday 28 June 2016: Labouring under the delusion of secrecy - the clandestine McDonnell policy review

Publish Date/Time: 
06/28/2016 - 13:57

Ever since Jeremy Corbyn's spectacular victory in the Labour Party's leadership context, his skills as a leader have been in question.

This isn't surprising. Having never held ministerial, shadow, PPS or whipping roles, Mr Corbyn was never very likely to know how anything bigger than a pressure group or a demonstration was run.

Editorial Monday 27 June 2016: Serial liar Boris Johnson - the Frank Sidebottom of Conservative politics

Publish Date/Time: 
06/27/2016 - 09:32

The ramifications of the advisory referendum on leaving the EU continue to manifest themselves as an heroic act of political and economic self-harm.

It is wholly clear that the Leave campaigns' leaders have simply no plan whatsoever.

Editorial Friday 24 June 2016: Leaving the EU? What could possibly go wrong?

Publish Date/Time: 
06/24/2016 - 14:04


After a divisive, and clearly misleading campaign, the UK voted by a small margin to leave the European Union in yesterday's referendum.

This is not good news.

For all Michael Gove's suggested sufficiency of experts, the widely-predicted risks to the UK economy have come true.

Editorial Monday 20 June 2016: A reflection on politics and choice

Publish Date/Time: 
06/20/2016 - 11:25

"The first day after a death, the new absence
Is always the same; we should be careful of each other,
We should be kind
While there is still time."
Philip Larkin

The killing of Jo Cox MP last week overshadows the political landscape. The personal grief and loss for her family and friends is as evident as it is massive.

Editorial Tuesday 14 June 2016: On attending the NHS Confederation Conference in Manchester

Publish Date/Time: 
06/14/2016 - 21:47

Health Policy Insight is nothing if not tirelessly helpful.

With this in mind, readers will benefit from our considerable wealth of experience in attending the NHS Confederation's annual conference, which we have refined into the following etiquette guide for surviving the next few days.

Confed is the Glastonbury for NHS managers, with more deficit one-upsmanship, less trench foot and about the same amount of Dolly Parton.

A note on climate
Manchester is noted for its Mediterranean climate. Sunblock, misting sprays and portable air conditioners are much recommended.

Editorial Thursday 19 May 2016: Churchill conciliation in junior docs' strike, financial chaos & STP WTF (Business As Usual mix)

Publish Date/Time: 
05/19/2016 - 15:15

Pyrrhic victories all round in the 'junior' doctors' dispute. The deal on offer, recommended by the BMA, looks like some tweaking of pay rates at the margins (it's still cost-neutral overall). It turns out that, in Churchill's dictum, "it is better to jaw-jaw than to war-war".

Oh, and the BMA have 'won' invitations to sit on some committees. As victories go ...

Editorial Tuesday 26 April 2016: The Waste Land - on the NHS and recent Conservative Health Secretaries

Publish Date/Time: 
04/26/2016 - 11:52

A significant theme is emerging with recent Conservative Secretaries Of State For Health, talking to the BBC about their job in April.

Editorial Monday 25 April 2016: The revolution will not BMA televised, as the junior doctors' dispute turns hysterical

Publish Date/Time: 
04/25/2016 - 14:27

I have previously borrowed the words of a doctor of divinity, Hunter S Thompson, to describe health policy silliness: "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro".

The 'junior' doctors' dispute has long since passed the point of mere workaday weirdness.

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