Health Policy Insight
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Editor's blog Saturday 28 May 2011: Competition to pick the title for 'Command Paper II'

Publish Date/Time: 
05/27/2011 - 18:19

Congratulations to Dave West of Health Service Journal for breaking the news that the DH plans to issue a new Command Paper.

Yes, that's right.

One year; two Command Papers; no Bill.


Click here for details of 'A political rugby ball and Command Paper II - the reform of NHS reform gets party-political', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


A competition is currently under way on Twitter under the hashtag #newWhitePapertitle. To enter, register on Twitter (don't have to use your real name in public); then post your title and the phrase #newWhitePapertitle.

The first prize is a meeting with Nadine Dorries, potential new chair of the Health Bill Committee.

The second prize is two meetings with Nadine Dorries.

In the event of Nadine Dorries' unavailability, the prizes will be replaced by a Belgian beer at a central London location.

Entries close at 6 pm UK time on Monday 30 May, and a panel of judges comprising Health Policy Insight editor Andy Cowper and anyone passing will pick the winner and runner-up. Their indecision will be final, and no reference to the NHS Co-Operation and Competition Panel will be allowed.

Meanwhile, here's a new Andrew Lansley joke (for the brief period of time it will be topical). Labour MP Grahame Morris MP's very good gag about the Secretary Of State For The Time Being as "Broken Arrow: he doesn't work and he can't be fired" is now timed out. This news effectively shafts the Broken Arrow, and opens the exit door.

What have Andrew Lansley and a pelican got in common?

They can both stick their bills right up their arses.