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Editorial Monday 3 October 2011: Lansley in Conference 'quick questions'

Publish Date/Time: 
10/03/2011 - 14:31

This 'quick questions' interview with Andrew Lansley comes via Whizz Kidz.


Click here for details of 'Will Lords QE2 end the political confusion over Health Bill? Party conferences leave us neither wiser nor better-informed', the new issue of subscription-based Health Policy Intelligence.


Who is the most famous person on your mobile phone?
Andrew Lansley: It's probably David Cameron.

Which TV box set would you take to a desert island?
AL: Mad Men.

Which is the most listened-to album on your iPod?

AL: I don't have an iPod, my wife does ...

Which is your most listened-to album?
AL: There's, erm, an Elvis compilation.

'This Week' or 'Newsnight'?
AL: This Week

Have you ever been to Benidorm?
AL: No.

What is your favourite form of exercise?
AL: Tennis.

What is your favourite takeaway?
AL: Fish and chips.

What is your guilty pleasure?
AL: Erm, what do I feel guilty about? Erm ... well, I generally feel guilty when I'm not working or with the children, so I suppose from my point of view, sitting down and falling asleep in the garden, because I really ought to be doing one of those other two things.

Do you ever Google yourself?
AL: I have done, once or twice ... not often.

What do you find?
AL: Erm, well the trouble is when I Google myself, it might come up on ... generally, there's loads and loads of news articles, so it's very boring.

Describe yourself in five words.
AL: (Pause) Father, husband, politician ... (longish pause) committed, relentless.

'X Factor' or 'Strictly'?
AL: Strictly

Football or rugby, and which team do you support?
AL: Football, and I suppose I am a supporter technically of Cambridge United - but when I'm not supporting Cambridge United, Tottenham Hotspurs.